4// Im Sorry

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     Mike took Troy's hand in his own, leading him to his bed. They decided on watching a movie; settling on Heathers.
     Troy then threw a piece of his candy at mike, the two chuckling. There was a lot of this. Playing around, picking at each other, just being dorks.
     Mike noticed Troy digging through his sweatshirt pocket. He pulled out a pack of Camels and a box of matches. He walked over to the window, cracking it a bit to let the smoke air out.
     Troy placed a cigarette between his lips, lighting it with a match. "You smoke?" Mike said quietly, pausing the movie to go sit beside him.
     Troy nodded, holding a cigarette out for mike. "Want one?" He asked, puffing the smoke out of his mouth.
Mike hesitantly nodded, taking it from Troy and allowing him to light it. The two smoked in silence.
      Mike looked over at Troy, "these kill, you know. Try not to smoke so much it makes your voice croaky," he recommended. Troy sighed, "Yeah, well, I'd be better off dead anyways," he joked with a small smile. Mike sighed, shaking his head with a grin. "Fine," he shrugged and looked out the window.
     "Why do you hang out with me? Why are you nice to me? After everything I said— and everything I did?" Troy blurted, looking back at mike. Mike went pale, "I-"
"I'm such a dickhead, all I did was call you names and push you around— and don't even say it's not my fault because having mean parents isn't an excuse to beat kids up and be rude. I'm so sorry I even thought you'd like me- I'm just gonna go-"
Mike quickly grabbed Troy's shoulder, he could tell he was genuinely upset. "Troy, please."
"Troy, you're better than you think you are. I know you were mean, but I also know that you're sorry. I can tell you're really trying and I appreciate that. Please just, calm down? It's the past, we can't change it, but we can fix it. We've apologized, and it's all over, so can we forget about it? Please?"
Troy stared at mike, his eyes red as if he were fighting back tears. "I-" mike frowned a bit, flicking his cigarette bud away.
"I'm sorry."

I'm sorry this is so short but I'm on a trip with my dad and I won't be able to make another chapter for a bit. If you're lucky I'll start one tonight though.

- baylee😔

Bully// Mike Wheeler X Troy Harrington✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora