2// Detention

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     Mike was just arriving at school on Tuesday morning, avoiding any and all eye contact with anyone. Will and Jane were late, and none of his other friends were near him in the hallways. It was just him, Troy, and every the random student in between them.
Troy had Mike's diary in his hands, flipping through page by page, almost so caught up in the book he didn't notice the firm hand on his shoulder. Troy swallowed thickly, slamming the book shut and pulling it behind his back, turning around to see Mike standing there.
"Oh, hey, frog. Didn't uh- see you there..." Troy mumbled nervously. Mike smiled a bit at the nickname, "sorry for sneaking up on you like that, I just forgot to give you back your science book that you let me borrow." He said, handing the beaten-up textbook to Troy. "Oh, thanks.." he nodded, taking it from mike. He decided against giving mikes diary back quite yet, keeping it behind his back. "See you around, loser." Mike teased, "bye, frogface." Troy replied, smiling weakly and opening the diary back up once the coast had been cleared. It was weird to think that mike and him were friends, especially after the whole cliff situation, and after he pissed himself in front of the entire school. But maybe they were just lucky, is all. Now that mike was gone, Troy had a chance to really read mike's diary. Not just skim through it. He knew it was invading his personal space, but if it meant he'd get to learn a bit more about mike he was willing to take the risk. He went back to the first page. It read:

Dear Diary, January 6, 1986

I don't know why my mom got me this stupid thing anyways. I'll never use it. Diaries are for losers. And girls. Girls who are losers, I guess. But I mean, I'm using it right now, so I guess I'm supposed to spill my feelings and shit. For starters, there's this kid at my school who won't leave me alone every since my other friend (El) made him pee himself in front of every kid in school. His name is Troy, and he's an absolute dick. He calls me frogface and likes pushing me around. Recently he's been a lot more physical. He kicked me in the shin and shoved me to the ground today. It's fine though, I guess. No one really likes me anyways. I'm probably not gonna use this stupid book anymore anyways.

Troy blinked back tears. He was a dick to mike and his friends. As much as it pained him, he flipped the page and continued to read.

Dear Diary, January 11, 1986

I know I said I wouldn't use this much but today was the worst day EVER. Troy was a lot meaner than usual. He punched me in the face, and shoved me into a locker. I got so mad that I fought back and got us both suspended. For a WEEK. Not only that, but my mom grounded me. No hanging out with friends, no D&D, no walks along the train track, no Palace Arcade, no tv, and no comics. I don't know what she expects me to do, play with my action figures like a six year old? Honestly, I haven't played with those things since I was like 5. I still keep them though. They look nice displayed with my comics I guess. I don't know why I bother to write in this thing. It's nice letting out my feelings I guess, but no one will ever answer the letters I write. Oh well. I gotta go tell Nancy and Steve to shut up, pretty sure they're making out.

Troy felt another ping of guilt in his chest, flipping through page after page, all the same. Never once was there an entry that was good. That was happy. None of them were about mike's good days. Troy frowned a bit, closing the diary. He knew what he needed to do.
Troy ran to class, being nearly late. Thankfully, Since most of his classes were with mike, he was able to return the diary safe and sound. He rushed to language arts, rudely barging in six minutes late and rushing to his seat, right behind mike, and sitting down. His face looked as if he'd seen a ghost, out of breath from running up the stairs. The teacher stared for a moment before continuing her lesson on commas and correct punctuation.
"Mike. Mike!" Troy whisper-yelled, nudging Mike's chair a bit with his foot. Mike groaned, "what is it, Troy? You're gonna get us all in troub-"
"Wheeler, Harrington! I'm sure whatever it is you two are talking about can wait. Principals office, now. Both of you. I will not have any more disruptions in my classroom." the teacher said sternly, hand on her hip. Mike huffed, slamming his textbook shut and getting up from his desk, along with Troy. The two walked alongside each other down the halls, an angry frown evident on Mike's face, his cheeks red with embarrassment. "Look, mike, I'm sorry-" Troy began, "save it. We're already getting written up and after school detention, I don't want any more trouble." Mike said coldly, walking ahead of Troy slightly until they reached the office.
Troy felt guilty. Very guilty. He didn't intend to get them into trouble, all he wanted to do was give mike his diary back. The two sat down next to each other in the office, arms crossed across their chests while they waited for the principal to call them back to the office. "All I wanted was to give you this back...you forgot it at my house the other day..." Troy mumbled, holding the diary out for Mike.
Mike stared at the book in front of him, eyes widening as he snatched it from Troy. "D-did you read it?" He said, obviously upset. "No," Troy shook his head. He was lying. "Good..." mike sighed. "I'm sorry for snapping at you...I was just kind of pissed that I had to miss my lesson. We have mid terms soon..." mike mumbled, looking up at the principle when he called the two back into his office. "Mr. Coleman, I-" Troy began, "hush. Sit. Both of you." Mr. Coleman ordered, sitting in his rolling chair on the opposite side of the desk. Mike and Troy obediently took their seats, staring down at their feet like a dog being punished.
"You two just love to cause trouble, don't you?" Mr. Coleman said disappointedly, "this is your guys' fifth time being written up this month. What'd you do this time?" Mike opened his mouth as if he were going to answer, But was suddenly interrupted by Troy. "It's my fault, sir. I tried to get Mike's attention in class and disrupted the lesson, but he got blamed too. He doesn't really deserve to stay after for detention, he didn't do anything.." Troy mumbled, sighing. Mike frowned, "I let him, and I talked back. I'll stay after too, but is there any chance we could work on a science project during our detention?" Mike asked the principal, he thought for a moment but nodded. "Fair enough. As long as you're both working." He nodded, both boys smiled. "Thanks, Mr. Coleman! I promise, we'll stay out of trouble." Troy grinned, "alright. But you'll be staying here for the rest of this period."

School was now over, and both Troy and mike were heading towards the designated detention room. They were the only two who'd actually gotten detention, which was rare, but convenient. They got out the progress for their project, laying everything out. "It's not as comfy as my bedroom, but it'll do." Troy joked with a smile, Mike returned the look and began to grab the planet he as last working on. "We talked a lot about me yesterday, so can you tell me a bit about yourself?" Troy asked while beginning to paint Pluto.

"Oh, uh sure...just promise not to laugh..." mike said under his breath.


Hey! An update just a day after my last one? Gasp! I actually like this fanfic even tho I know not many other people would because it's a rlly uncommon ship and I'm probs the only one who ships it but it's fine so like ahahaha-

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