6// first kiss

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"Mike, do you like me?"

      Mike could swear that his heart stopped for a second. How did Troy know? We're his details too specific? Oh god- Jesus fuck.
     Troy stared down at him, his expression soft and comforting. His lips were parted slightly in worry as he scanned mike's expression and body posture .
     Mike eventually nodded, "Yeah.." he said quietly. Why'd you say that? He's gonna hate you now. He'll think you're weird. He'll leave you. You're so fucking stupid.
     Troy was surprised, but he could tell mike was struggling. Mike's eyes had tears glossing over his eyes and his face was genuinely worried. Troy smiled weakly, lifting a hand to mike's cheek.
     "Troy—" he was cut of by Troy's voice, "hey...it's alright. Just take a deep breath." Mike did as told, staring up into Troy's eyes like a lost puppy. "Now, close your eyes."
"Close them."
     Mike fluttered his eyes shut, breathing slowly but loudly.
     Troy slowly leaned in, cupping mike's cheek. They both jumped and their eyes were wide, Karen Wheeler bursting in. "Michael!" He yelled, staring at the two.
"I- mom! He's just a friend, i swear!"
"I'm not concerned about that, I'm concerned that you brought him here without telling me! Explain!"
"we were just watching movies and working on our science project!"
"And he had to come through your window?"
"You would've said no if he came through the door!"
And with that, his mom left.
     Mike remembered to lock the door that time. They both chuckled before Troy sighed. "Where were we?" They smiled weakly before mike closed his eyes again.
     This time, Troy didn't take his time. He kissed him, letting their lips mold together perfectly. Mike was shocked but kissed back.
     The kiss didn't last long, but it was perfect. "Will you be my boyfriend, mike wheeler?" Troy asked quietly, "shit- fuck yes." Mike giggled.
     They then actually worked on their science project.

I'll have an update up tonight so pls don't ask hehe


Bully// Mike Wheeler X Troy Harrington✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang