Chapter Nine - His Truth

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I parked my car and began making my way towards the distant figure of Caden, who stood outside a small cafe.

  It had been two days since I heard the news or rumors that had a great chance of being the truth. Today was the day I would hear just that, the truth.

Or should I say his truth.

"Hey." Caden said with a smile as he hugged me gently.

  He opened the door for me and I walked towards the counter to order a vanilla latte.

  Once I had my drink in hand and we found a spot that seemed somewhat private and comfortable, we sat down.

  "I...uh." Caden's voice was slightly shaky. "I don't know where to begin."

  "How about beginning with what you wanted to tell me that night when you called me?" I asked softly as I knew it wasn't easy for him.

  "I didn't think about telling you this because at the time I didn't think it would be a big deal as I still didn't know whether or not we were serious about one another."

  That's fair enough.

  "But seeing how far we've come, I can't keep this from you." He took in a breath before continuing. "In my past relationship, I got cheated on multiple times... I tried to leave her but she threatened to kill herself and blame it on me."

  My eyes widen as I didn't expect things to take such a dark turn so quickly.

"I didn't understand why she would say something like that. I thought maybe it was the distance as I was overseas the majority of the time in our relationship. I'd say four months of the two years I actually was home, or so that was the amount of time we actually spent together."

Oh, the military life.

I forgot how brutal it actually could be.

  "It wasn't until I came home after being deployed that she told me that she was four months pregnant with her ex-boyfriends baby."

  Caden folded his hands and placed them on his forehead as he looked down, averting his eyes from mine.

  "She's now married to that man." He said. "But when I left to go overseas she had told everyone it was mine due to being scared of what would've happened to her...Everyone thinks I left a pregnant woman when in reality she left me and lied to everyone, including me about many, many things."

  I didn't know how to respond to Caden as I had never been in such a situation. Nor did I ever wish to be in such a situation as complications only lead to more misunderstandings.

"I'm sorry that I brought you into this mess Sienna." Caden said as his hazel eyes were lined with tears. "I really didn't want to hurt you and I'm just very sorry that the past couldn't stay behind me."

I couldn't resist getting up and hugging Caden as I knew that must've hurt him a lot.

  "It's alright Caden. I know that you didn't mean any of the drama that I was brought into because of her and the shared past between you two." I said in a low voice to him as I hugged him. "I appreciate you opening up to me about this. It takes a lot of courage to do so as I know it still probably hurts or bother you do to so."

  I pulled away from Caden once I felt that my hugs were enough. I didn't want to suffocate him in my arms.

  "This is the part where you leave me because I am fucked up." Caden said and I shook my head at his answer.

  "You, Caden, met the wrong people at the wrong time. It is not your fault that she blackmailed you or that your reputation is a mess because of her." I paused looking at him. "If I wanted to leave I would have by now, don't you think."

  When he didn't say anything and just stared at me I smiled.

  "Caden, the past doesn't define your future. It is what you take away from the past, that your actions and attitudes carve the path to your future." I said as I took in one of his hands in mine. "You are interested in me as I am in you. That is why were are together. I'm your girlfriend and you are my boyfriend, remember?"

  His body perked up as he remembered the fact about us.

  We were still together at this moment.

  "You are right Sienna." He said.

"So have more confidence in yourself," I said as I smiled. "Trust that you are enough for me Caden."

I took my eyes off of him and looked outside the window, seeing many different colored cars pass the cafe.

His eyes took in my expression.

He didn't know how to react as he never experienced anything like this. And I knew that.

He's never been with someone else that came remotely close to who I am, that was obvious in the way he acted and spoke around me.

I turned back to him and offered him a small smile before I sipped some of my vanilla latte.

"Thank you." Caden said as his eyes smiled.

"For what?" I asked as I didn't know what he would be thanking me for?

"For listening. For not jumping into conclusions like most people do. For actually caring about my feelings." Caden paused. "And above all thank you for coming into my life when you did and continuing to be a part of it despite my past."

I didn't want to say 'you're welcome' as I felt that would be too conceited and would look as though I had no faults, which would be a lie as everyone is imperfect.

That's the beauty in being human. Our imperfections. Our mistakes. That's what made us the way we are today and what will continue to add to our character as we continue to develop our own story.

"How about we get outta here and go catch a movie?" Caden offered and I nodded my head.

"Sounds like a plan soldier boy." I said testing out the new nickname I came up with for Caden.

"Soldier boy?" He questioned as he raised an eyebrow. "I like it."

The two of us finished our conversation and decided to meet at the movies as we had driven in separate cars.

What can I say, I love the movies.

It was just something about watching various storylines unfold before me, allowing me the chance to understand characters who were diverse and unique in many ways, that made me happy. I felt as though I could understand those who surround me a little bit more each time I watched and learned something new from a character.

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