Chapter Four - In between

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Midterms were almost done and I couldn't be more stressed than ever.

"Just relax Sienna." My mother told me over the phone as I prepared dinner. "You'll do great and then before you know it you'll be in med school."

I nodded my head in agreement.

She was right. Soon enough I'll be choosing what medical school I'll be attending from all the ones I've applied to. I just need to make sure I get the grades to ensure acceptance from the schools.

I was stressed but I was far more motivated and determined to get the best grades I can if it meant taking a step forward to reaching my dream.

I wanted to be a surgeon.

I wanted to work at a hospital, helping as many kids and adults as I can feel better.

It's been my dream since I was ten years old.

"Thank you Mom." I said. "How are you and dad?"

My parents lived about a few hours from where I was attending school. Their support meant everything to me as I was their only child.

Family was and would always be my number one priority.

"He's doing good! He complains about any little thing but hey, that's what happens when you get older."

I laughed at my mother's remark. I still couldn't believe just how fast the time was passing by. Sooner than later my parents would be in their mid-sixties and I would be entering medical school.

"Well I've got to let you go sweetie. Your father wants me to make him dinner. I love you."

I smiled.

"I love you too Mom. Tell dad I say hi." I said and she promised to do so before ending the call.

I was lucky to have been a part of a very supportive and understanding family. Not everyone has a strong support system like that of my family. I've met countless of people who have told me that I was lucky to have the family that I do.

Speaking of people that I love, I wonder how Violet did on her physics exam.

I remembered that she was anxious about it as she needed a bit of tutoring that I helped with. If she remembered everything I showed her then she would've done better than what she would've expected.

  I sent her a text asking her how it went.

  She would probably reply later tonight as she was most likely sleeping, or just hanging out with Alex.

  I took my chicken off the stove as it finished cooking and placed on my plate alongside my salad I had made.

  It was time to watch some television and relax before going back to the books.


The weekend came almost about a million years later, or so it felt like such. It had taken forever to come and yet it left faster than I or anyone could comprehend.

It was now the following week and Violet and I made plans for the weekend as she wanted to see me.

I still had one more exam to get through and an essay to right on Alzheimer's disease.

Currently, I was taking a break from studying at the library by enjoying a cup of coffee with a homemade slice of banana bread.

Or so I was until someone decided to interrupt my alone time.

"Hey... Sarah?" The voice of the infamous Daniel called out to me. "Thanks for coming to the game."

  "It's Sienna and I went to support another player, not for you." I said hoping his ego would contain itself. "Although you did play really good."

  Daniel took a seat next to me on the counter of the coffee shop. I ignore him and continue to eat my slice of bread as he continued to stare at me.

  "Another player? I find that hard to believe." He laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Who?"

  "Don't worry about it as it's none of your business." I said pausing before facing him. "What brings you here today? Are you buying coffee for your mom?"

  I watched his expression as I mentioned how we met the first time at the garden where he swore that the roses were for her but ended up being for one of his side girls.

  "Not this time." He laughed. "I'm actually here because I wanted to try a new place. Studying physics can get pretty boring if I don't take a break every once in a while."

  "What's your major?" I asked curiously as I didn't think he would be the type to take school seriously.

  "Right now it's astrophysics. But honestly, I am planning on changing it once I figure out what I would like to do." He paused. "I'm planning on taking a year or so off to kinda figure it out."

  "That's a very hard thing to do, Daniel. It's pretty hard to get back into the habit of studying and going to school after you leave, you did acknowledge that when making these decisions right?" I asked him curiously. "What about your football career? Are you not going to pursue it anymore?"

  He stopped and took in the words I had said to him.

"If I can be honest, which I think I can judging by how thoroughly you think things out, I decided to enlist in the Marines."

My eyes widen as I knew he was not joking about the matter as his entire body changed from being casual to rigid pretty quickly.

"When do you leave?" I asked.

"At the end of the school year. So right after spring semester." Daniel said with a smile.

"I wish you the best of luck Daniel. The journey is far from easy but I think you'll do great." I said returning the smile he gave me.

I stood up from my chair as I knew it was time to go back to studying for my exam tomorrow.

If I didn't leave now I felt like something more that I didn't want would come from this.

A sixth sense you could say.

"It was nice talking to you Daniel. Good luck with everything." I said before leaving him at the counter.

"It was nice seeing you too, Sienna. Good luck with your exams, I heard medical school is hard to get into."

  How did he know I was on the path of becoming a doctor?

  Not once before this moment had I told Daniel what I was planning on becoming nor what degree I was seeking out.


Hello there friends! I hoped you liked this chapter :)

Do we like or do we not like Daniel? What about Caden?

Any predictions on what might happen next?

Thank you for reading and being supportive of my work.


- Giovanna :)

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