Chapter Six - It's a thing?

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Caden and I began dating on November 28th, 2016.

It has already been two weeks since then and I still can't believe that I have a boyfriend.

This feeling was completely different compared to the one I felt when I was with Tristan. I know you should never compare an ex-boyfriend to the other but with Caden things seemed to be more alive. Like actions and words said more than we realized.

I could read his expression and body language as if I had known it my entire life. Kinda weird but also really nice.

I was just happy.

Maybe a little too happy.

"You seem to be in a good mood." A voice said to me as I was entering the section of the library where the study rooms were held.

I turned to see a familiar face.

"That I am Eddy." I said to a study buddy of mine.

Eddy was trying to become a dentist and I a doctor so the two of us are always in the same study area. I would always talk to him on breaks or about something I didn't understand that he might.

"Finals are less than two weeks." He said reminding me of the little time left. "This semester has gone by so quickly."

"You're telling me Eddy." I said to him as Thanksgiving felt as though it went by faster than I could blink.

I waved at Eddy before entering into the quiet space that seemed to be a second home to me. As I prepared my study materials I couldn't help but think about how things have changed within the span of a semester. Crazy how life can be, huh?

I began to study biochemistry as it was a favorite class of mine. Not because I was good at it but rather because it has given me a reason to cry once a week. My professor wasn't the best with explaining and therefore made my class do the teaching themselves.

I needed a good grade in this class as I would be sending out my application to medical schools next semester. I was waiting for my test scores from the medical college admissions test to come in before I did such.

I was excited for what the future held as I was itching to finally learn more about the medical field.

After about two hours of studying I decided to check my phone for a quick break. Sometimes my mother would text me updates, telling me about her day or just send me a picture of something that reminded her of me.

Yet, this time when I checked my phone there was a message from Caden.

"Hello, beautiful. What are you doing right now?" He asked.

I quickly responded back to him, telling him that I was studying as finals were sooner than I thought.

"I'll let you go then...Wouldn't want to distract you too much Ms. future-doctor. Good luck and text me once you're done for the day." Caden said with a smiley face, making me smile.

I told him that I would let him know once I was done with my school work as school was definitely more important than texting him.

I will always put my education first before anything as it was an investment that would yield a lot of opportunities and abundance in the future. A lesson I was taught from an early age by watching my mother and listening to her wisdom.


The sky soon set and my mind took in as much information it could before it felt overwhelmed or burned out, a common struggle among pre-medical students I found.

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