I sighed,

"All over the place."

"Well, will you explain more when we come back?" He asked, a little hope laced in his voice.

"Yeah. Pretty sure I'm gonna be forced to." I replied.

"I'm so glad you're okay. Mom and Dad briefly explained what was going on. Something to do with bad kids from their time?" Dylan said.

"Pretty much, I guess. If they didn't explain the whole story, then they don't want you to know." I told him.

"You know the whole story?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm not supposed to know, but I do." I answered him.

"Is it done? Whatever it is that happened, is it over?" He questioned me.

I glanced at Jamie. He sadly smiled and nodded, telling me that I knew the answer.

"We're not too sure what's gonna happen." I replied, trying to keep it as vague as possible.

"We? You were with other people?" He asked.

Thought they knew I was with other people. Didn't I leave with Charlie?

"Yeah. I was." I told him.

"Who?" He wondered aloud.

I sighed once again,

"You'll probably meet them one day, Dyl."

I could hear his light sigh, too,

"Okay. I'm gonna go tell everyone that you're home. We'll probably leave soon, okay?"

"Okay. See you soon." I said.

"Yup." He replied, then the line went dead.

I set my phone back onto my lap,

"They're gonna come home soon."

Jamie squeezed my hand once again,

"You did good."

I nodded and looked down,

"It's gonna be hard to face my whole family though."

He nodded and pulled me closer to him,

"It'll all be just fine. The happiness in your brother's voice says a lot. That kid loves you."

I slightly smiled, then glanced up at him,

"You should head home. Don't want my family seeing you quite yet."

He chuckled,

"I'll head home in a few."


I was putting a few dishes into he dishwasher while Jamie sat on the island and finished up his glass of water.

"Wait..." he trailed off.

I stood up straight, closed the dishwasher door and then turned my focus towards him,

"Wait for what?"

He was staring at his glass of water,

"Is it half full or half empty?"

I looked at his glass, and sure enough the water level was about halfway,

"Just drink it so I can wash it."

"I filled up the water from bottom to top, then I've been drinking it from top to bottom..." he started,

"So it's technically half empty?"

"It's water, why does it matter?" I retorted.

"The question needs to have an answer..." he trailed off.

I rolled my eyes and went over to the sink where I began to wash the cutting board from dinner. We really didn't feel like anymore take-out. So we made Cesar salad.

"Some questions can stay unanswered." I told him.

"Not this one. It's so simple." He said, still staring at his glass.

"I'm starting the dishwasher in a few, the glass better be empty by then." I stated.

He mumbled an 'okay' as we both continued to do what we were doing.

A few moments had passed, then Jamie broke he silence,

"It's half empty! That's my answer. Final!"

I turned and shot a glare his way as he chugged the rest of the remaining water from his glass.

He looked at me and broke out into a fit of laughter. I laughed along with him as he hopped off of the island and put his glass into the dishwasher.

Once we calmed ourselves, I dried the cutting board and put it back into the cabinet where it belongs.

I turned and looked at Jamie,

"You should really head home soon. My family will be home anytime."

He smiled,

"I'm not leaving until I know you're not alone. I want to know you're safe."

I huffed,

"I'm perfectly safe here."

He came closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist,

"You're safe right now. But once I let go, you're no longer protected."

I wrapped my arms around his neck,

"I am safe."

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead,

"I don't wanna get a call that you're hurt... or dead-,"

"Jamie." I cut him off,

"Nothing will happen. Zach wouldn't have brought us all home if he felt it wasn't safe."

He let out a long sigh,

"Still, my biggest fear is that whenever I see you, it'll be the last time."

I looked deep into his sky, blue eyes,

"I can't promise that I won't die, because we all will. Just, let's not think about death right now."

He looked down at my stomach,

"Considering what happened..."

"Hey, look at me," I started, he did so,

"Nobody could've stopped that from happening."

He moved his eyes back to mine, tears were forming in his,

"I wish I could've."

I moved my face closer to his and placed a soft kiss on his cheek,

"Don't. The past can't change now."

He pulled my body closer to his and he tucked his head in the crook of my neck. I placed mine in the same position.

I closed my eyes. Regardless of how safe I was in my own home, I felt safest in his arms.

A few moments passed when I had the subbed urge to open them back up. The feeling of someone watching us.

I did, and I now can see that I was right.


"Jamie," I whispered,

"My family is looking at us."

"What?" He panicked, still in a whisper.

"It's okay... let's just let go and face them. I'll get you out of here." I assured him.

I felt him nod his head, and we both let go. Jamie turned around.


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