Collette x Louis: Races

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"Mamaaaa!" Colette whined as Elodie tugged a brush through Colette's wild brown curls.

"I'm almost done, darling," Elodie murmured. With an experienced hand, she gathered Colette's hair into one hand, securing it with a pale blue ribbon. A few shorter curls immediately sprung free, delicately framing her face. "There." Colette immediately leapt from the stool she was perched on. Like a shot, she gave her mother a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll be home for supper. Bye mama!" As she darted out the door, Porthos and her older sister Annette had to throw themselves against the doorframe. As Colette faded from view, Porthos laughed.

"Any faster and she'll fly." Annette quipped. Elodie levelled her with a stern, yet amused look.

"You were no better, Netty."


Louis sighed for the umpteenth time as his mother continued her address to the court. While it was his duty to stand by her side and look every part the Crown Prince, it was obvious to many that he was getting antsy. His mother, knowing that Leon would have to get used to long addresses, tried to prolong her speech as long as she could. At long last, Queen Anne's address drew to a close. With royal duties completed, mother and son went their separate ways to pursue their own interests. Shedding his ceremonial garb, Louis left for the gardens, feeling both figuratively and literally ten pounds lighter. He acted nonchalant as he made his way to the shrubs bordering the perimeter. With one final glance to ensure no guards were watching him, the fourteen year old dropped to his knees and scrambled through the bushes. When he came out on the other side, he raced to the old dead tree that lay beyond the palace. As he got closer he could make out a figure laying next to the tree. He quickened his pace.

"Colette!" The figure sat up and waved to him. He sat down next to Colette, out of breath. She laughed as he tried to recover. He flopped back with a dramatic sigh as Colette raised an eyebrow. "The prince of France, breathing his last, and all you do is mock me!"

"Of course your highness, how foolish of me! Certainly, you'd never have the need to run for half a minute! After all, if you are running late, everyone else is simply early."

"Oh ha ha." He glared playfully as he sat back up. "I'll have you know that rule only applies to my mother."

"Really?" Colette raised an eyebrow. "So you think you could beat me to that fence over there?"

Louis scoffed. "Easily."

Colette stood up, dusting off her skirt. "Then prove it." She said, before taking off.

"Wha—Hey!" Louis scrambled after Colette, following her laughter. The next hour was spent racing back and forth from tree to fence and back again. At last, the pair fell back into the grass, breathless.

"I win." Louis said after a few breaths.

"What?!" Colette sat up. "You did not, I beat you!"

"Yeah, but you got a head start, and we reached the tree at almost the same time. If we had a fair race," He leveled Colette with a stare. "I would've beaten you."

"But you didn't," she pointed out with a smirk. "Which means I won."

"By cheating!"

"Still a win." Collette shrugged. "And you'll have to rip my victory from my cold dead hands."

"Oh yeah?" Louis raised an eyebrow, and began to advance towards Colette with his fingers outstretched.

"Wait. What are you—no!" Colette tried in vain to escape, but it was too late. Louis had grabbed her by the waist and was tickling her mercilessly. Colette shrieked and thrashed about on the grass. "Stop!" She shrieked between gasps of laughter.

"Admit I won!" Louis shouted in response.


"Then you've sealed your fate!" His continued to tickle her with a grin on his face. Colette continued to beg for mercy, but the Crown Prince was relentless.

"Okay, okay! You win, just stop!" Colette laughed. Satisfied, Louis leaned back, and lost his breath.

Colette's cheeks were tinged red from laughter, and the setting sun shone highlighted her dark hair beautifully. Various wildflowers surrounded her hair, making her look like a faerie.

"I told you I won." Louis muttered, suddenly embarrassed. Colette seemed unaffected as she sat up and dusted off her skirts.

"Yeah, yeah." She turned to him with a mock-scowl. "I'll beat you next time." She promised.

Louis went to reply, but was interrupted by a man shouting. He groaned as he turned to see two guards approaching.

"Your Highness, your mother has requested your presence for dinner." Louis nodded and stood up. He offered his hand, which Colette accepted. One of the guards motioned for Louis to follow.

"Until next time," He said awkwardly, still trying to comprehend why he had reacted so strangely.

"Your Highness," Colette curtsied dramatically. She watched until Louis and his guards were hidden by castle walls before she began her journey home with a spring in her step and a song in her heart.

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