Chapter 22: Reunion

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Sakura sighed. "I don't know. You never know with Izaya."

Celty picked up a pouting Yuu and poked his nose. 'Smile for me please? We'll find him, I promise.' It was hard to type but she managed.

Yuu smiled and pat the top of Celty's helmet. "Yeah! Let's take a nap first. I'm sleepy." He yawned and fell asleep on Celty's shoulder.

Celty layed down on the couch and let Yuu sleep on her. 'You two should take a break as well. You haven't had much sleep, have you?'

Shizuo nodded. "I didn't sleep at all...." He felt sleep begin to take over and stumbled to Izaya's old room to sleep on the bed. Sakura went to the kitchen and began cooking dinner. She slept for a little bit so she told herself that she would sleep after dinner and resume the search in the morning.

Soon enough, Monday rolled around and the four were all staying at Shinra and Celty's place. Every day they all went out to search for Izaya around town but there was no sign of the informant.

"That's it! He has to be at his old apartment! If he is then I'll give him a few choice words before bashing his face in." Shizuo was getting tired of searching, he had to find Izaya before he went insane.

Celty and Shinra stayed in Ikebukuro just in case Izaya made an appearance while Sakura and Shizuo went to the informant's old apartment. Yuu was in school so he couldn't go. Celty agreed to pick him up and take him to the apartment if Izaya ended up being there.

Sakura didn't believe that Izaya would be somewhere so obvious but maybe that was why he would choose to go there. People thought it would be too obvious so they wouldn't look there. That was definitely something Izaya would do.

Her grip on the steering wheel increased as they got closer to the apartment. "Okay Shizuo. No hurting anyone until we hear his story. Then I'll take over the hitting if he has a stupid excuse. If you hit him then he'll die. I know he is in no shape to fight back since he can't run too well and his arms are still weak."

Shizuo nodded. "Got it. I'll keep my anger in check and let you handle the talking. If he does start acting like his old self then I will pound his face in. Or just hit him a few times depending on how nice I feel."

"Do anything that won't kill him."

"No promises, but I'll try."

"Let's go then."


Izaya typed on his keyboard after making a call. He called someone who wasn't associated with any of his current suspects and hired them to be a bodyguard for Seiji. He specifically told the woman to not flirt with him and that her job was not to protect the girl who was always around Seiji. She agreed to the job, who wouldn't? Izaya paid well.

She was not about to betray him either since she wouldn't get paid and she'd be on his hit list. He would totally hire someone to go after her if she didn't do her job. Plus, she had no reason to hurt this random kid. She only did what she was paid to do unless she had a personal interest or connection to a job she got.

Izaya trusted her and even if she did betray him, Namie would probably kill her. That chick was scary when it came to her brother. He shivered when he thought about what Namie would do for her brother. "Stupid brother lover...." He mumbled as he typed.

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