Blame it on the alcohol

Start from the beginning


Now everyone sat in a circle watching a glass bottle spin. Yup they were playing spin the bottle. As of right now James had kissed Santana, Santana to Tina, Tina to Quinn, Quinn to Mercedes, Mercedes to Zizes, Zizes to Puck, and lastly Puck to Peyton to which it was her turn to spin the bottle. Peyton leaned into Mike waiting for the bottle to land and someone until it actually did. Sam.

"A reminder.  I owns that guppy mouth." Santana suddenly said standing by the counter where the bar was. "Those trouty Aerosmith lips belong to me. So." "And those luscious lips are mine" Mike said countering back as he stared at Santana with his tongue sticking out playfully. Shaking her head Peyton grasped on to Sam's cheeks "don't fall in love with me guppy mouth" Peyton teased before the blonde just leaned in kissing her. 

Everyone started cheering laughing and clapping as they kissed before the two pulled apart. After his turn on kissing Rachel it was now her turn to spin the bottle. Peyton just leaned into Mike burying her face into his neck since she didn't really want to play anymore. As fun as it is Peyton didn't like the taste of alcohol when she kisses someone. 

During the whole song Peyton was just sitting on the couch beside Mike or sitting on his lap while peppering his neck with kisses. Mike was drunk and tired now that they were just sitting down while listening to Blaine and Rachel sing. Mike didn't say anything but just hold Peyton closer to him while he closed his eyes tired and just focusing on how affectionate Peyton was being. He felt so much into a daze that he actually fell asleep at the feeling of her kisses. 


Back to Peyton's point of view. 

I stood at the end of the hallway laughing at how everyone looked. James looked the most terrible out of everyone. He had sunglasses, Hair messy and pointing in every direction, while his clothes were just his sleeping clothes, Sweats and a loose shirt. He was gonna wear a hoodie but he would die from hot it was for him.

The whole weekend I helped miss Chang with the boys but I sometimes purposely made it worse for them just to make them suffer since I loved them so much I wanted to prank them even when they had hang overs. 

I wasn't really paying attention after the song well because I was one of the two of the only ones that weren't drunk. Suddenly though when I saw Rachel touching Mike way to much for my liking. Quickly I moved in between them and pulled Mike into me while glaring at Rachel. I knew she was drunk but she should know that Mike was my boyfriend and Rachel was still in love with Finn. 

Sticking my tongue out at her I turned back towards Mister Shue trying to act like I was listening to him when really I was just spacing out. This week had been going fast for me and honestly I think it's just me spacing out way to much when everyone else is drunk. Probably because of that. 


"So you're telling me they all got drunk beside you and Finn?" Lewis asked looking at the camera as he leaned into the calm of his hand. Surprisingly enough Esmund wasn't with him and was at work. Nodding I leaned into the chair with my feet kicked up on to the desk beside my laptop. "Yeah" I answered looking at the ceiling as I thought about the week. 

The singing photographer (CONTINUED SOME WHERE ELSE)Where stories live. Discover now