The front door closes and it feels like the walls are enclosing around me. Everything is getting smaller, I feel like I'm drowning inside my head. All I can hear is noise, but yet the entire house is silent.

Harry closes the door and locks it, turning around to look at me with a smirk on his face. I mentally role my eyes and ignore his wolfish stare by walking into the other room and sitting on the couch.

"Don't walk away from me, Jules. Now come here."

He holds out his arms like he expects me to run into them, which causes me to scoff. I'm much more comfortable over here.

I know that Eleanor told me to be careful, and I'm guessing when she said that she meant to do what he says, but ever since the incident with Alec today all I can think about is the way Harry gave punch after punch to his face, even when he was powerless and vulnerable on the ground.

But Harry wouldn't stop. His anger scared me, and I never want to see that side of him again. He was dangerous.

Would he hurt me like that? More importantly, is he going to kill me?

I've already seen where he lives and have met everyone in the gang, or at least the important ones, so I really doubt that he was planning on letting me leave tonight. Do I know to much, so he's just going to do away with me?

I shiver at the thoughts.

"I said come here." His voice turns into a demanding tone, and I shake my head quickly, still intimidated by the horrible things he could do to me. And honestly, I just wanted to be kept alone with my thoughts right now. I had a lot to take in from the occurrences of today.

Harry was so strong and I was, well, not. He could hurt me or even kill me with ease, and I wouldn't be able to stop him. I completely regret kissing him, I'm not sure why I did it. It was an in-the-moment thing.

Im not saying it was bad, because uh-huh believe me- that kiss was steamy. And if he wasn't who he was, then you better believe it would've gone further than it did, or at least I wanted it to. His lips are like my bed, I never wanted to get off.

But my head knows better than that, but my body, well, that's a different story.

Before I get side tracked again, I really should get some answers out of him.

He needs to tell me why the hell I'm here.

My heart beat is irrationally changing from fast to slow, a very uncomfortbale pace, as Harry takes long and slow movements towards me, making me stand up from his proximity and completely forgetting the fact that I wanted to ask him questions.

"What's wrong, love? Are you scared?" The closer he came to me, the more steps I took backwards. I could feel the tears prickling at me eyes from the earlier events and the thoughts that were swirling around in my head, but I wouldn't let the tears fall. I won't cry in front of him. I'm better than this and I need to show him he doesn't have so much power over me.

You can't let a bully know you're scared, that's exactly what they want, but the sight of the dead body and Alec's beaten up face was becoming too much for me to handle right now. No one should ever have to see something like that happen right in front of them, but at the same time Harry did it to save me, so maybe I shouldn't be as scared.

Why am I so torn right now?

As he reaches me, he corners me against the wall so I have no where to go, and he wasn't going to let me leave.

Unstable [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now