~Chapter one.

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"Michelle! Michelle! Please, can you get my clothes from my wardrobe? I didn't realize I left them there." I scream from the bathroom. It is my usual way since I became a teenager. Very forgetful. It is something I can't handle, no matter how I try not to.

"And, why? Come out, everyone has seen everything!" She yells back and I groan. A simple help wouldn't hurt, would it, dear sister?

Wait, what did she just say?

Michelle is my oldest sister. She is thirty years old with two kids who are very annoying and tiring, that's a story for another day. She's an engineer in a company about three hours away from home. A word to describe her, highly annoying. She practically brags about being older than me with eleven years and how she has full responsibility over me aside from my parents. Like, so? That's not a big deal in being older. I dare not say what I've just said in front of her or my groin gets it.

"I begged you for just one favour and all you ask is why?!" I fume as I turned off the shower and walk outside the bathroom. Yes, I may have anger issues but I know how to control it sometimes, especially when my siblings become hard on me.

"You're not the boss of me, I am your boss. Now, hurry up. I have to drop you and my kids off at school, so get your things ready or you'll let Tiffy take you to school." She grins, heading to get her children. My sister knows how much I hate going in my second older sister's car. She likes giving pep talks about books and academics. My life has officially turned to a speech collector because our twenty eight year old medical doctor thinks she has all her life together and made it in life.

"Okay! Fine! Let me at least eat breakfast before we go. Besides, school starts by eight thirty or so." I say nonchalantly and walk to the kitchen.

To be quite honest, Education isn't really my thing. I have so much passion for my music career, but when you have siblings, especially older ones who are into science, that passion grows and dies wherever it came from. At first, I told my mom about not going for chemical engineering in New Jersey, she purposely handed me over to my sisters to take care of the situation and you can actually tell what happened to my life afterwards.

"Hurry the hell up, would ya?" She packs some files and a make-up set in her bag and arranged her children's stuff in their lunch bags.

"Aye, aye!" I reply back.

"Bye Tiffy, see you later." I wave to my sister sitting at the dinner table and carry my bag-pack to the car.

"You couldn't even help me with the kids." Michelle had this look that I can't explain on her face. I'm not a slave, I think she should respect that I'm a dude and not a girl.

"Uh, I. . .sorry. It's just that—" I feign a sorry face and adjust my composure before I finally help her get them settled. I couldn't even finish my sentence.

My school is a twenty minute drive from my house, so we got there in a jiffy. I go to Blue Springs High, not so far from where I live.

"Enjoy your day, little one. Tiffany will be here to pick you by five after practice, is that alright with you?" She asks. The name made me squeeze my face before nodding and saying a good bye to her and my little nephews sitting at the back.

Everyone in school always have something to do, someone to talk to or what to discuss and laugh about. Me being me, one of the popular kids in school, I get almost all the attention from people who have no level of importance in my life. I love my private life but, I brought this upon myself and I can't seem to get out being popular.

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