Confessions, Discoveries, Disappointments: Secrets open - to One

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Actually, he's been acting weird ever since the week a after he recovered my bag. I won't what's gotten into him. Like this one time, we were walking from school since we agreed on it the day before. As we were passing the Metropolitan Bank, we spotted some robbers. They we're trying to break in and they already had some hostages. They left like five guys out side to round up the people passing by to avoid anyone of them calling the police. As we were being round up, I notices that Johnny wasn't with me anymore. I was worried sick, wondering where he was and what was happening to him. That was when Flame showed up, and in no time the armed Mobile Policemen arrived. They arrested the robbers and were leading everyone out safely, when out of the blues Johnny shows up, next to me and is like... Woah!  That was close...

"Listen, uhm, I've got to use the bathroom, so... I'll be back." He declared, snapping me out of my thoughts. Then he ran off.


Johnny's POV
I feel really bad for constantly lying to Janet, but hey, that's the life of a superhero...right?! I mean, we've got The Flash, Batman, The Arrow and others. Even though they're fictional at least I've got a good grip on the superhero life though them. Well, back to my story...

I quietly stalked the drug dealers for about five minutes and arrived at the boiler room of the building. Apparently this structure was once a factory for drinks. After listening for a good ten minutes I got the details of their plan. Well, shockingly enough - kind of expected actually - these guys are a gang, and recently they've had a few run-ins with another gang.

They planed to blow up the building.
Not while I'm alive.

I quickly took of my clothes, revealing my super suit, and snuck past various machines, trying my best to not make any noise. So, I blasted the only source of light, one fluorescent tube, and made the place completely dark. Obviously, they we're sent into panic mode.

One by one, took them and knocked them out then they opened fire. I moved out, kicking and jabbing and parrying attacks. I had my back turned, and that's when some wise guy decided to smack me at the back of my head.

I lost control.

I went blasting flames at them burning clothes, hair, any and everything that got in my way. By the time I came to, it was eye popping. I called the police withy private number and hurriedly wore my clothes so I could get out of there.


Janet's POV
It's been over fifteen minutes and still no sign of Johnny. This party was okay...well right until we heard gunshots, and soon after they died down, there were sirens in the area and that's when Ghost boy Johnny showed up next to me.

He looked disheveled, like he was in a fight.

"So..." I started "... Toilet huh?!" I inquired.

"Uh well I got stuck in there. My zipper, then the door..."

"Just stop okay. I know you have been lying to me. Heck, I know you're Flame!"

"Janet, I-I... You've got to be kidding me. Me, Flame, wow"

"Yes you. You think I'm dumb? I noticed everything. I noticed how you disappear in crisis, then Flame arrives, saves the day and you show up right after he leaves the scene dammit! Your shirt is even unbuttoned and I can see the super suit underneath."

He still tried to deny

"When you're ready to tell me the truth, call me." I retorted and left.


Johnny's POV

Well damn!
After Janet ran out of the party, well haunted house, I took off after her. I needed to see her, urgently.

After ten minutes of a futile search I finally find her, sitting at the parking lot. Sucking in air, I walked briskly to where she sat, coming behind and quietly taking a seat next to her, gazing into the distance.

"Janet I-" I started

"Just go away!"

Well shoot!!


Well... That was it!! The end to the long anticipated chapter. I'm sorry if it seems like such a let down to you guys  cud it does to me.

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