Confessions, Discoveries, Disappointments: Secrets open - to One

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Johnny's POV
Well... This is how it happened

I was in my way to the mall cause, you know I'm a superhero now... I've been taking down bad guys and fighting crime, and saving the day, signing autographs, the usual. But I already had a makeshift costume, which I always wore under my clothes. Then, I ran into Janet.

"Heyyy!!!" She started, a little more excited than normal

"Yo.. Hi, um - what's got you all excited??"

"Nothing much, just that my dad got me tickets to Dragon House!!!"

"No way!!!"

"Yes way!! So... You wanna come??"


"Wha- y-you mean me???"

"Yeah!!! My dad's a huge fan of yours, you know... After recovering my bag, saving me from more than one robbery in one night, also treating m-"

"Yeah, I get it. So, um.. Sure I'll come"

"Yay!!!" She said as she leaped for joy.

Just so you guys know, dragon house is the new haunted house in our area. Some say that those who walk in, come out completely different. So, in a way, I'm kind of honored and grateful to Janet's dad for this opportunity.

"So..." I started. "When is it?"

"Tonight. 8pm. Don't miss it." She replied, a little flirty, I handled it perfectly though. Here's what I did;

"Um.. Yeah.. Uh-okayy.. W-we-weli--"

Smart right???

Sure!!! Genius

Flame has started again.

Shut up flame.

                         **() ()**
Janet's POV
"Phew! At last" I exhaled. We had finally gotten to Dragon House, Johnny and I, that is. We had taken his car 'cause he came over to my house to pick me up.

"Hey! What's the name of that app???" Johnny inquired.

"It's crowd city" I replied "wanna try?" I offered

"Yh thanks" he was collecting the phone when he mistakenly turned it off. When I turned it back on, my screen saver appeared. It was the new crime fighter, Flame.

"Is that Flame??"

"Yeah, it is.. Got a problem with that??"

"No, no, I don't. I think he's actually kind of cool." Johnny finalized

We exited the car.


Janet's POV
We walked into the building and showed our tickets which ranted us access to the greatest haunted house experience of our lives

We were in, having fun, getting scared, some people's hormones were on... No really, I saw two teens hooking up in the broken skull section.

That was when it happened.

We spotted some guys at a corner of the blood rain area and what they were doing looked pretty shady to me, so I turned to Johnny and asked;

"Aren't those the guys that flame has been trying to catch?? Looks like they're doing drugs right now!"

"Yeah, you're right, but um, there's really nothing we can do right now so... " he said, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. I could sense that he was trying to hide something from me.

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