"Orochimaru experiment escaped"

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EDIT: I wrote this a long time ago.

WARNING: So, apparently someone already wrote about this topic with similarities in the things I brought up, so I didn't post it. That is, until this day in 2020 when I just decided: "fuck it, I'll post this shit". So yeah. When I remember your name, other person, I'll make sure to credit you.

I told you I was going to make a whole chapter ranting about this.

This isn't really impossible for you to pull off right, but literally EVERYONE makes it unrealistic! (from what I've read)

First off, you can't make your OC escape before Sasuke kills Orochimaru. Why? Because there is no way! He's got a hight level security, Kabuto, some employees and himself. So, how would your OC, that is probably injured and weak due to the experiments, get past him? She/he can't, because it's pratically impossible....and don't you dare write Orochimaru giving her/him an overpowered power, it would make a Mary Sue!

Sorry hun, but if you want it to make sense, you can't put them becoming ninjas together with the rookie 12. It has to be some time after Sasuke kills Orochi-pedo, for example: When Suigetsu frees the prisoners from the hiding Karin took care of.

Warning: Your OC has to be both mentally and physically scarred, so if you can't write characters like that, then this type of story isn't for you. They can't be gorgeous , at least not after they get proper care,(since, you know, he/she was an experiment?) because after escaping the girl, I'm going to choose "she" because 99% of the time the OC is a her, is gonna be ugly as hell.

Imagine this: You didn't get to bath or brush your teeth for AT LEAST many months and the food you received wasn't enough to give you proper weight, not mentioning that you didn't brush your hair in this same amount of time, but is more good-looking then Shippuden! Hinata?? That does not exist, so stop.

About the personality, the OC... you know what? I'm gonna call her Jusiscleudy. So, Jusiscleudy has to be wary about her surroundings and not trust anyone for ar least a month, and still after that, she wouldn't talk to people that much due to her time of abuse. To someone to break that wall she built around herself is NOT going to be easy.

And no, she can't "get over it". She might get less affected about the time of abuse after months or even years, but this trauma can't simply get out. You could make her have a habit that was caused by the experimenting time and got stuck within her for a lifetime.
About the OP powers thing I mentioned earlier , that normally means two things:

1. The whole experimenting thing is an excuse for having an OP original character.


2. The OP thing is just an excuse for Jusiscleudy to get out.

It seems poorly written if you do this and you might loose readers, so it's better not to.

And don't get her to Konoha, or any ninja village at all! They wouldn't welcome Jusiscleudy with open arms, they'd interrogate the (probably) already mentally unstable girl! Even if they think she speaks the truth, they'd put her in a reabilitament place or something like that for a long time... I'm sorry that I'm not good with words QwQ

Better, make a nice civillian traveller--probably a commerciant--find her and take pity on her, trying to just heal the girl, but eventually starting to like her as a daughter. You could make a backstory that explains their life and a reason why (probably) they have a soft spot for kids.

I also don't think Jusiscleudy would even try to become a ninja. She might think she had problems for a lifetime, maybe she is afraid of blood, or fears that she'd be captured again, etc. There are plenty of reasons why she would be against the idea.

Wow, that came out shorter than I expected. There MIGHT be too many grammar errors, but I'm with my parents and if they find out I have Wattpad they're gonna break my cellphone and get me grounded for 2 years, at least.


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