"What do you think?"

He stares at me blankly but with a serious gaze. I take a sip of my coffee and look at him over the rim.

"Black Magic", I joke and shrug.

"What?!", he demands with his blue eyes widening. "Are you serious?"

I stifle a giggle. It seems like this dumb ass believes it. He's an idiot. Well I guess I can play along.

"Yes", I nod, lifting my shoulders.

His mouth is slightly open as if he can't believe. Unbelievable.

"Are you dumb or are you dumb?" I say and sigh.

"That means you're joking right?", he asks looking in deep thoughts.

"Of course", I admit. "Oh my God! I can't believe that you actually believe I did black magic! Do you really believe in it or have you been watching supernatural shows?"

His brows creases in an adorable way and he murmur.

"I only watched one episode."

"Whatever", I say and start walking away. "Goodnight."

"Wait", Stefan says. "You do know that caffeine will keep you awake."

"Yes", I sigh. "I have some work to do."

I turn to walk away again but stop when he starts speaking.

"Are you sure we have never met or seen each other before?", he asked slowly. My eyes pops wide open.

"I'm hundred percent sure", I say quickly. I stiffen when I feel him behind me.

Oh my goodness!

Stefan walks slowly from being and stand right in front of me. He's so freaking long. Like a giant. My head is level only till his chest. I tip my head back to look in his blue orbs. He's staring into my eyes as he's trying to look inside my soul.

"Are you sure?", he almost whisper. My heart is beating so fast and I cannot trust my voice right so I nod.

He looks like he's about to say something else but I walk away rapidly.

Once in my room, I place my hand over my beating heart.

"What just happened?", I say aloud. "Why is my heart beating like this?"

We are currently at the doctor's waiting room. Liam have to get his shots. Stefan is on his phone and Liam is on my lap. We are waiting for our turn. I see another parents getting out and Stefan gets up. I don't think I should go inside as well. Only parents have the right.

I get up and Stefan takes Liam from me. I wince again when I feel pain in my arm. It seems like I really should take another painkiller.

I sit back down when Stefan turns to leave. Liam twists and starts whining when he sees I'm not following them.

"Miss Cullen", Stefan sighs. "Come inside."

"Are you sure?", I demand, shock.

He gives me a nod and taking it as my cue, I follow them. Liam squeals when he sees me behind them.

We enter inside and there's a woman inside. She gives Stefan a flirty smile. I cringe inwardly. The name tag on the table says, she's doctor Ashley Manhattan.

"Mr Black", she says and if I'm correct, it sounds seductive.

"How are you? Hey baby", she tries to take him but Liam turns and gives her her back. Instead he looks at me and smile and a little drool escape form his lips.

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