Part 6: Irony or Just Bad Luck?

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"When The Haunted Star shuts it's doors and I'm forced to join the public" Nova shot back.

Granted, she didn't love having to sing to make enough money to pay her bills, but she preferred The Haunted Star out of anywhere else. It was easier getting up and singing in front of a semi crowded restaurant full of harmless elderly people who claimed that she reminded them of their grand daughter, than a place that the New York Times would claim is the hottest club in Manhattan.

She was comfortable at The Haunted Star and liked that she was free to perform her two songs a night how ever she wished. She also enjoyed the style of music the place was themed to and that the owner, Mr. Bobby Lucas, was the sweetest man she could ever hope to work for. He was the kind of man that greeted you with a kiss on both cheeks and always seemed to have a cigar attached to his hand.

And she really loved dressing up. The Haunted Star had a dressing room in the back that was full of professional wigs, props, and clothes to help her look like she was part of 50's era. Her favorite part of the whole gig was digging through and creating an outfit.

After saying good bye to Juan, Nova locked the doors of the studio and headed straight to the club. When she arrived, she first made her way over to Mr. Lucas and greeted him with a hug. "There's my little Marilyn" He would always say as he put his cigar down and wrapped his arms around her. "Hey Mr. Lucas, how have you been? I didn't see you last time I was here" Nova said warmly.

"Yeah, I had to be with Carmella, she had hip surgery last week and I couldn't leave her alone, Roberto said that he would take care of things for me" He informed.

"Ohh that's too bad, tell her I hope she feels better, send her my love OK?" Nova said in genuine concern. "Thanks, I will, I will" He said, talking with his hands. "She will appreciate that, you're her favorite performer, she loves you" Bobby boasted proudly.

"Aww she's so sweet, I hope to see her soon when she feels up to it, I'll sing Don't Fence Me in for her the next time she comes in."

"She would love that! You know that's her favorite song you do, she always talks about it" Bobby praised. Nova inch by inch made her way to her dressing room to get ready, pinning Bobby off on one of the other girls that had just arrived. She loved the man dearly, but he sure knew how to talk someone's ear off.

She put her stuff down and dug her make-up bag out of her purse. She then sat down and began the long process of applying her make-up just right. She always caked it on when she worked these things because it helped her become the character she was trying to mimic. Granted it was tasteful but it was still way more make up then she would wear on an average day.

As she sat down and gracefully painted her face in front of her vanity mirror, a face appeared right above her head. "Hey Nova, what's going on?" it said, and then Nova looked up to see none other than Jimmy Pavo staring back at her.

"Hey Jimmy, what's up" Nova said politely, not pausing as she continued to apply her foundation. "Nothing much, I didn't see you come in" He said as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. Nova had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. "Yeah, sorry, I came in through the back."

Jimmy Pavo was a guy that Nova had known for a few years since she started at the club. He sang with a cover group that performed hits from Frankie Valle and The Four Seasons called the Manhattan Trio.

The first time he had ever met Nova, he was completely smitten with her and Nova agreed to go on a few dates with him. The had slept together and the sex was decent but Jimmy wasn't really her style and she just didn't feel like they fit together as a couple so she politely broke it off. Jimmy wasn't quite ready to let her go so she agreed to maintain friendship and be each others 'Fuck Buddies' for when they both were single and needed a way to get their rocks off.

The Hot Canary (A Brian Quinn Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu