Ch 20- Forgiving

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Hana's pov
I went to school and literally everyone is treating me and bambam as a couple but we're only going to the dance together 😑

It's not like we're dating or anything.
I went to class and went to my seat, just ignoring everyone around me while listening to music.

Suddenly, some RUDE person just dragged me out of the class and into a closet.

It was dark so I couldn't see who but this just feels too cliche.

Of course I was pinned to the shelf full of stuff and the whole time I was just worried if anything would fall on my head.

"Look, Hana. I'm truly very sorry for everything. I honestly don't know what else to do in order to make you forgive me. Thought I can think of one way to show you my feelings.."

I knew this was coming. As soon as I felt something on my lips I pushed him away.

"Okay, listen up Jungkook. This is the first and last time I'm forgiving you. Just because I forgave you doesn't mean I trust you. One wrong move and I'm cutting you out of my life for good. Also, I'm not sure where I am in my love life right now so I'm just going to pretend what happened never actually happened."

And I ATTEMPTED to leave the closet....


Omg omg omg omg omg.
I am stuck in a closet with Jungkook.

Why do these things always happen to me.

I seriously feel like I'm going to be single forever because no one's right for me..

Don't worry, I'm not oblivious and clearly many of these guy idols fancy me. (Fancyyyyy youuuuuuu)

Do I like any of them?

Sure some catch my eye..
And some do make my heart race..
but it's not like I'm in love with them.

Okay and some of their personalities are to die for...

UGH but they're gonna make me choose one day and I can't because they're all such great friends.

That's doesn't mean I friendzone everyone 🤣

Jungkook pov
I don't know what's up with Hana but she's not saying a thing.

Must be lost in her head or something.

All of a sudden something fell off the shelf and luckily it missed us or we'd definitely have a concussion by now.

When it dropped she grabbed onto my arm and i couldn't see it but I knew the face she made was adorable.

I wish we could be like this forever but I know I don't stand a chance since she clearly doesn't like me that way...

My chest hurts..
It hurts too much..

I wanna think I have a chance but I don't..

It's too painful I think I'm going to cry...

Hana pov
Standing so close to Jungkook made my heart race..

Maybe he actually has changed..

I thought about what it would be like dating him and it doesn't sound all that bad.


What am I thinking ?!??

*30 min later*

Finally, a janitor opened the door and we rushed out. That janitor just looked so confused haha.

Jungkook dragged me through the halls, holding my wrist.

Thinking about how this could cause a huge misunderstanding, I yanked my arm away.

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