Part 27 : A Set Up

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Narrator : Previously on Cordelia's Quadruplets !!!

Shin : Unless you're asking for a death wish. I'd advise you to let me go free.

Yui : I'm not letting you go free. Until I get some answers.

Shin : Careful, princess. Unless you-

Yui : ! (Slashes him)

Shin : AHHH. (Groaning in pain)

Boys : Yui, you shouldn't be down here what-

Shin : The reason we are after you.

Boys : !

Shin : It's because you have the heart of your mother. Your mother, Cordelia is a First Blood. And we chased you all over, so that we could and can continue the bloodline through you.

Yui : (faints)

Boys : YUI. (Runs to catch her)

Karlheinz : Yui. Yui, wake up. Yui.

Yui : That can't be true. They don't mean to impregnate me. Just so that they could re-create their race. The question is why does it have to be me ?

Story Continuing


Yui : (opens the door)

Ayato : You Okay.

Yui : ! (Hugs Ayato)

Ayato : (hugs Yui)

Yui : I'm sorry.

Ayato : For what ?

Yui : For this. I-

Ayato : It's not your fault.

Yui : (sighs)

Twins : ! Since when are you so worried about her ?

Ayato : Since we were little kids.

Twins : (looks at each other)

Ayato : !

Yui : (giggles)

At the Tsukinami Castle

Carla : (looks through the window)

Guard : (approaches)

Carla : Did you find him ?

Guard : No, your majesty. I regret to report that Prince Shin, is nowhere to be found.

Carla : Leave me.

Guard : (bows after leaving)

Door closes

Carla : For once, in your life. Can you not be a damn trouble maker. Useless son of a SICK VAMPIRE! (Kicks a table knocking over his drink)

Maids : ! (Cleans the mess)

Carla : (sighs) I wish he would just listen with discipline. He's probably stuck in a prison cell, in Karlheinz's Castle. If I don't get him out soon. He'll probably cause the biggest trouble he's ever made in his life. Father might be proud of him, looking up from Hell, but I'm sure as hell am not proud of him.

Guards : !

Carla : I'm not going to go on another visit to the king. But maybe, I'll go see her.

Maids : !

Carla : (smiles evilly) My dear cousin Yui.

Yui : (drinks Tea and draws)


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