Part 13 : The Mukami Brothers Part 1

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Narrator : Welcome back enjoy !!!

Yui : ( yawns awake and takes a shower )

10 minutes later

Yui : ( changes into her school uniform )

Knocking on the door

Yui : ! ( grabs her bags and leaves out the door ) ( smiles ) hi Reiji ?

Reiji : ( smiles ) I was just coming to check on you , but it seems you have everything ready !

Yui : ( laughs )

Reiji : ( smiles ) Time to go

In Class

Math Teacher : Okay class you are taking a quiz today , I hope you studied lately ?

Ayato : ( sighs )

Laito : ( laughs ) what's wrong Ayato , you seem moody today ?

Ayato : ( rolls his eyes ) that's none of your business Laito !

Laito : ! You're so mean Ayato you've been like this ever since we had that accident with our mother , you've been acting like a real jerk ?

Yui : ( writes on the paper ) can you 2 please not argue right now , you have a quiz to take !

Math Teacher : ( smiles ) ! Yui since your brothers are talking , why don't you come and sit up here , you're not in trouble , I just want you to focus more ?

Yui : ( smiles ) Yes Mrs. Richardson ( moves at the front of the class )

After the Test

Mrs. Richardson : ( past back the scored test ) Half of you , have excellent scores , but ?

Class Mates : !

Mrs. Richardson : The other half of you , received F's and D's ( passes back Ayato's paper )

Ayato : ! ( looks at a F on his test )

Yui : ( whispers ) maybe if you studied none of this would've happened in the first place ?

Mrs. Richardson : Ayato , since your sister has an A+ on her test , I'm thinking that you should , let her help you just in case you earn another F !

Bell Rings

Class Mates : !

Mrs. Richardson : Class Dismissed ?

In the Hallway

Laito : That test was easy Ayato , you could've at least gotten a C+ , how did you get an F ?

Yui : Because he never studies , when we have test or Quizes !

Ayato : ( mocks in a kids voice ) Because he never studies , when we have test or Quizes ?

Yui : ( hits him across the head )

Ayato : Ouch

Kanato : You actually deserved that !

School Girl : hey you can't hit Ayato-san like that apologize ?

Yui : ( laughs ) excuse me but , do you know who I am !

School Girl : ! I don't care who you are , I told you to apologize to Ayato-san ?

Yui : 😡 I am sorry , what did you just say to me !

Kanato : 😅 okay little sister theirs no need for arguments at this time , we have to get to lunch ( grabs her hand ) ?


Kanato : ( lets go of her hand worried )

School Girl : ! Wait sister ?

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