Part 9 : 17 yrs later / Cruel Mother's Death

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Narrator : After 17 Years of Cruelty from their mother , the quadruplets decided to get revenge on Cordelia , after everything she has done to them !!!

Cordelia : AHHH ! ( breathes slightly ) Ayato ?

Ayato : Oh so sad , I liked this shirt too , it's soaked in your blood mother !

Cordelia : !

Ayato : Your blood it's so sweet , ( licks it ) It's so delicious , I want more ?

Cordelia : ! ( runs off )

Ayato : ( laughs )

When Cordelia walked up the stairs , her injury was so bad that her blood started leaking on the walls !

Cordelia : ( opens the door ) Laito , Yui , Laito , Yui ?

Yui : ( closes her eyes while smiling ) oh dear , mother what's the matter !

Cordelia : It's Ayato , He's torturing me !

Yui : Wow, really !

Cordelia : !

Laito : Well, We knew this would happen sooner or later , right Yui ?

Yui : ( Smiles ) Of course , we would Laito , besides she was evil to us in the past !

Cordelia : Laito , Yui , I command you 2 to help me ?

Laito : ( stops the piano )

Yui : !

Wind bangs the Windows

Cordelia : Ayato has come for me , He has come to kill me ?

Trees knock on the Windows

Laito : That's isn't Ayato , That's just the wind !

Cordelia : ( Breathes in fear )

Yui : Just relax mother ?

Cordelia : !

Yui : ( smiles ) We'll keep you safe ?

Laito : ( goes out to check Ayato )

Minutes later

Cordelia : ( lays on the wall ) !

Yui : ( walks back in with Laito )

Cordelia : Have you driven , Ayato away from me ?

Laito : Yep , he's gone !

Cordelia : I knew I could count on you 2 , Laito and Yui.

Yui : ( smiles ) Do you love us more than anyone else , Mother ?

Cordelia : Yes , ( takes her hand out )

Laito : ( Smiles ) You never change, do you ? ( takes her hand )

Cordelia : Laito , Yui , I love you , I mean that .

Yui : !

Laito : !

Twins : ( Pushes her off the balcony )

Cordelia : AHHH ( lands on the grass ) !

Yui : ( angry look ) WHAT A LIE ( walks away )

Laito : Now you are mine, for eternity !

Richter : Cordelia ! ( runs to her )

Cordelia : ( smiles ) Richter , this body , is useless to me now , Karlheinz will come for me , This is my final request cut my heart out and implant it , in someone else's !

Richter : of course !

Cordelia : ( smiles )

Richter : ( takes his sword and cuts Cordelia's heart out of her body )

Cordelia : ( dies )

Richter : We'll meet again , Cordelia ( teleports away ) you children will pay for this dearly !

Kanato : ! ( walks to Cordelia with fire ) Mother , mother you're freezing , hold on I'll warm you up ( burns Cordelia to ashes ) are you warm now mother , come on tell me how you feel ( laughs evilly out loud ) ( flames sparks )

Yui : ( smiles and picks a video footage ) ! What's this ?

Video Footage

Cordelia : ( laughs )

Yui : Mother !

Richter : ( smiles )

Yui : Uncle Richter !

Triplets : Yui , what's wrong ?

Yui : Quite for just a few seconds , I wanna hear this !

Triplets : !

Video Footage

Cordelia : Richter , do you think we should plot a plan to overthrown Karlheinz ?

Richter : ( smiles ) Yes we should , that way I'll be the new King of Vampires and you'll be the new Queen of Vampires , and we'll show him how a King and Queen , should rule over all Vampires !

Cordelia : ( laughs evilly ) then we'll show everyone , whose the boss of the throne ? HAHAHAHAHA

End of Video Footage

Yui : ( shocked look in anger ) so that's why she wanted us to the best , she wanted to steal the throne from father , so she could become Queen of Vampires !


Laito : Kanato , calm down , we stopped her now , so theirs no need for that !

Karlheinz : ( smiles ) I'm surprised you knew about her plan to overthrown me ?

Quadruplets : !

Karlheinz : But I'm not happy , that she was so evil to you , that she has went this far for it to become like this ?

Yui : FATHER ( runs to hug him ) I missed you so much !

Karlheinz : ( laughs ) I've missed you too , my sweet princess ?

Ayato : Old man , where are we going !


Twins : ( snickers and laughs )

Karlheinz : ( smiles ) Thanks Yui , I was going to do that , but it seems I didn't get my hands dirty !

Ayato : Ouch , Sorry ( rubs his face ) that really hurt ?

Kanato : Good , because you deserved it !



Ayato : ( angry look )

Laito : QUITE YOU 2 !

Yui : you were saying father ?

Karlheinz : ( smiles ) I'm going to take you somewhere , to your New Half Brothers , you'll be able to see them soon , so you'll need to pack your bags all of you.

Yui : okay !

30 minutes later

Yui : We're ready , father ?

Karlheinz : ( smiles ) come with me !

Quadruplets : ( get in the limousine )

Limousine : ( drives off )

Narrator : Who will the triplets meet , how will they react , will they be mean or will they be nice , find out next time !!!

End of Part 9

Diabolik Lovers : Cordelia's Quadruplets Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ