Part 31 : Tight Bond

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Narrator : Previously on Cordelia's Quadruplets !!!

Reiji : Father, what if Carla comes here. What are we supposed to do about him ?

Karlheinz : I'm hoping he doesn't get an invitation. But if he does come here, I want all of you boys to keep a close eye on Yui understood ?

Reiji : Of course, Father.

Audience : (claps and cheers)

Yui / Kanato : (Bows)

Carla : May I have, this dance ?

Yui : I'll need to find somewhere instead of this castle to practice my magic. My magic is getting too strong. Carla already saw what happened. He might use me against my family. How can I stop the Tsukinami's ? I need to ask father, to see if he knows anything. I'll do it in the morning. Shin is trapped inside the amulet. But the problem is Carla won't leave me alone. Why does it have to be me ? It's not fair. Why couldn't Richter, choose a human at least ? (Sighs and falls asleep)

Story Continuing

Yui : (turns because of the thunderstorm)


Hannah : (walks in) Princess. Will you-

Yui : (tries to sleep)

Hannah : ! (Puts the candle away as she blows it out)

Yui : (continues sleeping)

Hannah : (closes the door)

Thunder strikes

Yui : (suddenly wakes as she looks at the candle)

Candle : (flames her curtains)

Yui : ! (Runs to get a bucket of water)

Hannah : (knocking) PRINCESS.

Everyone : ! (Runs to Yui's room)

Hannah : (screams)

Yui : (splashes the curtains)

Karlheinz : (runs to the commotion) WHAT HAPPENED ?

Yui : ! (Looks down at her hands)

The next morning

Yui : (looks at her curtains)

Karlheinz : Yui are you sure no one was here ?

Yui : No father. I was alone.

Karlheinz : (sighs)

Shu : You think someone meant to kill her ?

Karlheinz : What other possibility is there! (Leaves)

Everyone : !

Shu : (follows Karlheinz)

Hannah : (brings in breakfast)

Hannah : (brings in breakfast)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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