Part 24 : Mordred's escape

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Narrator : Previously on Cordelia's Quadruplets !!!

Shin : Grr. Like hell, I'll listen to him. I'll never forgive him, for what he did to our father. I also will not forgive "that woman" that seems to favor him over me. Father is the only man, I truly admire. Besides I'm sure he'd be proud of me. If I would cause some trouble. (Laughs evilly)

At nightfall

Young Boy : (plays around with the other children)

Shin : (smirks) This is perfect. A simple violence here, will surely draw some attention.

Children : AHHH.

Parents : ! OH NO.

Shin : Now burn. BURN. (Laughs and cackles evilly)

Parents : AHHH. (Runs away with their children)


Shin : (smirks and turns around) Why, hello dear cousin. Isn't past your bedtime.

Yui : Shin, what are you up to ? Why are you here in our village ?

Shin : (smirks) Now now, dear cousin. You know it's impolite to ask a vampire such as me what my plans are. Hasn't your father, Karlheinz taught you any better ?

Yui : Grrr.

Karlheinz : Yes, I have.

Shin : Tch.

Young boy : (hides)

Carla : (flies down)

Shu : ! Well, speak of the devil!

Carla : (Punches Shin in the gut)

Shin : AHHH. (Faints on the ground)

Yui : (draws and paints)

Young Boy : (Cries)

Yui : ! (Opens her window doors)

Young Boy : (cries)

Yui : You're the boy, from before ?

Young Boy : My name is Mordred.

Yui : ! Mordred, you're pale. Do you need-

Young Mordred : (passes out)

Yui : (gasps and catches Mordred) Mordred. Mordred.

Carla : (looks through the window) !

Yui : (lies him down in the covers) Maybe if he gets some rest. His fever should cool down.

Story continuing

Yui : ! (Stretches)

Young Mordred : (moans in pain)

Yui : Mordred. Mordred. (Feels his forehead)

Young Mordred : (moans in pain)

Yui : ! (Sighs and teleports)

Knocking on the door

Reiji : Come in.

Yui : (walks in with concern)

Reiji : Yui is something wrong ?

Yui : When is Father coming home ?

Reiji : In a few minutes. What is it ?

Yui : I need your help. I found this boy.

Reiji : !

Yui : Please, Reiji. If he doesn't receive treatment in time, he'll die.

Reiji : (gets his equipment)

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