The Escape

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This chapter cover picture is an teenage Alessa that I found online, I put the picture on this chapter because I wanted you to know what Alessa look like as an teenager.

The tall nurse with the deform face walk to the mirror and one of the hands hit the mirror and the mirror broken into pieces and landed on the sink and the ground.

I almost nearly scream but Alessa put her hand around my mouth before the nurse heard me then the nurse walk out of the bathroom slamming the bathroom door.

Then Alessa open the locker and she step out and she turn around and she held her hand out and I grab her hand.

Alessa look at the broken shattered mirror and said "Wow, whatever that was really destroy the mirror".

Then Alessa walk over to the bathroom door and open the door slowly and quietly and she stick her head out to check to see if it clear.

Alessa look at me and said "Come on it clear now, let's go find The Waiting area ok." Then I walk up to her and she held her hand out and I grab her hand and we walk away from the bathroom.

Then Alessa and I started running because we look up at the signs for each hallway and we saw the waiting room sign and ran to the waiting room.

But then Alessa saw an weird Pyramid Head which there was an another teenage girl who came across the pyramid head guy and he had an big long knife and sliced her in half.

I almost scream but this time I covered my mouth, Alessa was still holding on to my hand and she whispered to me "Alyssa let's hide over there by the counter ok".

We quietly walk over to the counter and kneeled down to hide then the pyramid head guy walk away while dragging his long knife and the pieces of the girl body.

When the pyramid head guy disappear Alessa and I saw an phone which was on the counter and Alessa told me "Look their a phone call for help from your boyfriend".

So I grab the phone and sit back on the ground and I call the phone *(555)456-687* number which was Jake phone number that he gave me back in the Sixth Grade.

The phone kept ringing and ringing then finally Jake answer and said "Who is this". Then I tell him "It's me Jake I need you to rescue me and my friend, we are at Brookhaven Asylum".

Then Jake said "Alyssa I heard everything and I know that you would never kill your stepdad because your evil because your not, you kill your stepdad because he was doing horrible things to your little sister Lola don't worry I am on my way".

Then Jake hung up on me and then I look at Alessa and said "Well my boyfriend is on his way to recusing us finally I can get out of this Nightmare Brookhaven Asylum".

Then Alessa got up and held out her hand and I grab her hand and we walk over to the front door entrance into the Asylum, and Alessa then ask me "Alyssa I was gonna use my powers and open the door but I am gonna have you pick that chair up and I want you to back up and throw the chair against this glass door ok .

Alessa was pointing at the chair that is on her left, I walk over to the chair and pick the chair up and I walk over to the door and throw the chair at the glass door and the door broke and shattered into pieces.

Then Alessa look at me and held her hand out for me and I grab her hand and we walk through the once glass door that was there until I broke it into pieces and we ran out into the parking lot close to the road.

Then we see a car coming down the road and when the car got closer we notice it was a black mustang car, the car stop in front of us and window started rolling down and I see my darling boyfriend Jake.

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