Jake POV: My very first Boyfriend Continued

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Then this girl came to me and Alyssa and asked us "So you are dating, then the rumors are true" I wanted to get tape out of my backpack and tape this girl face but all I did was look at Alyssa and then at the girl and me and Alyssa told her "Yes, we are dating but please don't ask anymore questions please because likely me and Jake might not answer you".

I was shocked that Alyssa was saying this with me but she did". Alyssa took off to her next class mine next class is Physical Ed and when I got to the locker room.

My best friend Jensen show me some pics of a girl wearing a bikini and when I closely look at the pics it look familiar and I realized that it Alyssa.

I snatch the Pics from his hand and ripped all of the pics into tiny pieces, and Jensen looks at me with an shocked expression and he told me "Bro, what wrong why did you torn those pictures to pieces I spent a lot of time making those for you so we can send them to the whole school like we always do to other girls".

I wanted to laugh at him tell him he is a fucking idiot, I am done doing those horrible shit to Girls and I am certainly not doing that to Alyssa. So I told him "No, I am done doing those shit to Girls and I am most certainly not doing that to the girl I love which is Alyssa Marie Yordy."

Jensen look at me and then started laughing "Dude you cracked me up you are very good at trying to fool me and for a minute I actually thought you were being serious."

This fucking idiot doesn't get my love for her, I know I don't deserve her but I am never gonna let her slip from my life no hell no she stuck with me and I know she wants to be stuck with me.

Jensen interrupt my thoughts by saying "Dude I am gonna send the pictures to the whole school right now." And he got his phone out of his pocket and was about to push the send button but I smack the phone out of his hand and the phone fell on the floor and crack the right corner where the camera sensor was and I lift my right foot up and I smash the phone and the phone was completely in pieces.

Jensen look at me in the eyes with an angry expression and he told me "How dare you break my phone, and you destroy it because you desperately didn't want me to send those to the whole school, why Jake tell me why you are not doing what you usually do.... Which is ruining lives of girls, fucking them why are you not letting me destroy that whore Alyssa life."

My body started heating up like I was being burn in a fire, I can't fucking believe he called my girlfriend an fucking whore. Jensen is so dead, I went up to him and push him against the locker and he went to me and he tried to hit me but I caught his knuckle and twisted his knuckle and he lost his circulation to his hand.

Then I kick his thigh and he fell to the ground and I lean on my knee and punch his eyes and his cheek and his chest I accidentally hit his temporal which I don't want to actually kill him I just wanted to show him that he can't ever called my girlfriend an fucking whore.

The Bell rang and me and Jensen realize that we were in the Gym Boys locker room the whole class period so I was about to walk out of the locker room but Jensen grab my arm and he stand up but he was limping anyway he told me "I am sorry Jake, I didn't know that you love Alyssa, I am sorry for calling her an whore."

I was shocked that he was actually apologizing to me because he never apology for anything before. I don't really accept Jensen apology but for now I will pretend nothing happened.

Jensen then said "So are we cool bro, no flaws no fight.... Are we best friends again." And then Jensen told me "I have a party at my house and was wondering maybe you would like to come and you can bring your girl with you, I know she will have fun bro, just think about it ok."

I walk out and there was a crowed of kids in front of me and I think I saw a flash of long blonde hair which I believe is Alyssa so I was getting through the crowed of kids and I was yelling "Alyssa, Alyssa".

And I saw her turn around and finally I got through the crowed and slide my hand into her right hand and my books was in my right hand and her books was in her left hand.

And I was thinking about what Jensen said and I do want Alyssa to have fun so I told her "Alyssa I want you to go to my friends party with me." then she told me "I can't Jake, I can't go to your friends party I have to go home". I want her to come with me, I need to spend more time with her ..... I fucking need her I know I am being selfish but I need her now. Then I told her "Come on Alyssa Let's have some fun please". Please she got to say yes, come on baby say yes.

Then she said "I don't know, I do want to have fun but my little sister, she expecting me to come home and she might be upset if i don't come home".

I know Lola would want her older sister back because she love her but I am selfish so I tell Alyssa ""Come on, she won't be upset she'll be happy that your having fun come on let's be rebellion for one night okay sweetie."

I know she gonna give up and let me take her to her very first party. Then I heard Alyssa sigh and she told me "Yes Fine let's go to your friends party okay". I then led her to my black mustang car and I see her mouth drop open so I got into the driver seat and she got into the passenger seat and I started getting out of the parking lot and Alyssa asked me "Can I open the window please".

And I was wondering how beautiful she is and with the window down having the sun shine on her, oh that would be my heaven and seening her beautiful long blonde hair twirling in the wind drive me crazy thinking about this.

I drop out of my thoughts and I tell her "Yes you can have your window open sweetie ok". Then I see Alyssa leaning back and closing her eyes then after awhile she wake up screaming and crying so I put my right hand on her leg which she calms down.
I then asked her "What wrong, did you have a nightmare or something". And she said "Yes I did Jake, but don't worry the nightmare will go away".

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