About Alyssa Marie Yordy (Her backgrounds life)

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This chapter is only about My character Alyssa Marie Yordy and her seening her best friend horrible childhood that led to the girl death, I hope you like my story so far, this is my first time doing an story that I feel I did good on.

I am giving you the list of characters and the actors and actresses well actors that I imagine acting if my story become famous enough for an movie is:

Alyssa Marie Yordy- Josephine Langford

Alyssa Marie Yordy as an child- Maggie Elizabeth Jones

Angelica Torrey- Josefine Frida Pettersen

Angelica Torrey as an child- Eloise Webb

Lola Fizgerald Yordy- Kylie Rodgers

Jake Scottsen- Hero Fiennes Tiffin

Alyssa and Lola's Stepfather- Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Linda Naomi- Dianna Agron

Stacy Cray- Becca Tobin

Katrina Days- Sammi Hanratty

Jensen Broxen- Theo James

Vixten Saxoni- Jamie Blackley

Zed Hemsworth- Oliver James

Lola's adopted Mother- Ashley Judd

Alessa Gillespie/ Sharon Da Silva- Jodelle Ferland

Dahlia Gillespie- Deborah Kara Unger

Christabella Gillespie- Alice Fridge

Rose Da Silva- Radha Mitchell

Cybil Bennett- Laurie Holden

Alyssa Marie Yordy Background 2012:

Alyssa Marie Yordy is a 15 years old girl who goes to Saint Sybil Catholic High School. Her best friend is Angelica and her and Angelica been friends since they were born, the girls were born at Alchemilla General Hospital.

The town the girls live in is Silent Hill, West Virginia which a long time ago in 1970's a little girl name Alessa Gillespie was bully and was being label as a witch so her aunt Christabella burn her so Alessa put revenge on the town by turning the town into Silent Hell and well the whole town burn down and was call the tainted town.

For a long time the fire underground was still burning so they tell people they can't live in the town because the air can kill you but they cleaned the town so here in 2012 people are able to live in the town again.

Alyssa always hear the story about Alessa at her Elementary School which is Midwich Elementary School. Everytime Alyssa hears the story, she cried and tell everybody "Stop I can't handle hearing this anymore, what they did was horrible she was little like us and they hurt her badly.

At lunch time, Alyssa would walk to the classroom that is blocked off by yellow tape and she would take the yellow caution tape off and open the door and walk in and would walk to the 3rd desk in the 3rd row in front of the teacher desk and in front of the chalk board and she would look at the desk and see Hand print and words on it that said "witch, witch your a witch".

And when she touch the desk she sees a flashback memory of Alessa wearing an bluish purple uniform dress and sitting at her desk with her head on the desk and her arm was blocking her face and then Alyssa see kids throwing things at her and they were saying "Witch, witch your a witch.

And then another flashback we're Alessa was standing in the back of the room, so Alyssa walk over to the back of room were the classroom door was and the flashback came back again and Alessa had a sad face and everybody around her was yelling at her and then she ran and push some of the kids that were in front of her and Alessa ran out of the classroom.

Then Alyssa ran out of the classroom and she now pop back in the flashback and was following Alessa into the girls bathroom and when she went in the bathroom.

Alessa shut the bathroom door and Alessa back up and she turn and she was scared and shaking so Alyssa look over close to the stall to see what Alessa was looking at and they both see a creepy janitor and the creepy janitor look up and see Alessa and was looking at her weird.

Then he walk over to Alessa and push her against the wall and the janitor took his suit off very very quickly and he did the most horrible things that cause Alyssa to close her eyes, and all she heard was screaming from Alessa and moaning noises from the janitor.

Then when Alyssa open her eyes Alessa was on the ground crying and the janitor had his suit back on him and he took the mop and bucket with him out the door of the bathroom and Alessa got up which she was limping then she ran to the second stall.

Then an second later, a redish hair lady comes in the bathroom and the lady said "Sweetie it's me your mommy please come out sweetie".

Then Alessa came out and hug her mother and then all the sudden another lady comes into the bathroom and this lady has brown hair and her hair was pin up in a bun and the lady walk over to Alessa and her mom and was telling Alessa's mom "We know even the childrens know, that your daughter, why won't, if you would just name the father."

Then the lady said "You brought sin amongst us, your faithful must gather in judgement, for what were to call to purify this filth." Alessa look at her mom with a terrified look and said "What does she mean mommy?". Alessa's mother Dahlia hug her daughter tightly, then the lady with brown hair that had her hair pin back move Alessa's mother hair back.

The lady says "You're weak my dear sister. You always were.  Trust us out here. Have faith in our virtue. We will restore Innocence". Then the Bell rang and the flashback went away. Alyssa said "No, no how am I gonna find out what happened to Alessa now".

Then Alyssa walk out of the bathroom and she went to music because that was her next class. Music was Alyssa favorite class she always love singing and she had a beautiful voice.

But today she didn't feel like singing after seeing the flashbacks of Alessa. Angelica was next to her and Angelica look at Alyssa face and see that she look sad so she elbow her and Alyssa ignore her which now Angelica know their is something up.

Then the the classroom door swing open, Alyssa look up on the left side of the room by the music classroom door and Alyssa sees Alessa, the beautiful girl with long brown curly hair and her bluish purple uniform dress.

She walk to Alyssa and she tells her "Come Alyssa, your my only friend from this world and I want you to be able to know what really happened to me, come on."

She held her hand out waiting for Alyssa to grab her hand, so Alyssa grab her hand, then Alyssa turns around while everyone looking at her and Alessa.

They were shocked and scared, Alyssa thought she was the only one who can see Alessa but apparently not. Alessa guide Alyssa out of the room and took her to the front door of the school and led Alyssa outside.

The girls past some houses and they step into south downtown and they see a big building and up above is a sign that said (Silent Hill Grand Hotel).

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