The Beginning

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"Oh my goodness it 6:00 am why can't school end" I just got woken up by my annoying clock. I get up and took a shower, put on my white long button sleeve shirt and my black skirt then went into the kitchen to make me some toast. I grabbed the milk from the fridge and grabbed the cereal box from on top of the refrigerator for breakfast then I went outside and waited for my bus to show up. It 7:30 am and my bus just arrive and now the bus is driving to Midwich Catholic High School.

I walked off the school bus and I saw my best friend Angelica so I ran to her and she saw me and we gave each other a big huge hug because we missed each other. Angelica and I walks to Ms. Hynes Gods Literature class and then I must have fallen asleep because I got tapped on my shoulder by Angelica and she said "Alyssa wakes up the bell rang" Angelica tells me "come on Alyssa".

I I woke up and Angelica told me "Wow what's going on at home that makes you so sleepy during class time" And I told her "Nothing Angelica it justs I guess it one of those days but don't worry".

I didn't want to tell her that my stepdad is abusing my little sister Lola and I because then he would probably kill my little sister and I am not gonna let that happened.

I wish my mom didn't passed away from Cancer and if she didn't passed away then my little sister and I probably wouldn't be abused. At lunch time I grabbed some food and put the food on my plate then walked to the left side of the cafeteria to my table by the window, and sat down.

Then a couple popular girls who are called The Catholic Queen Bees walked to my table and started making fun of me by saying "Why do you have a bruised on your left eyes, and why do you smell bad, Ew".

And then my friend walked to the table with her plate of foods and she told the leader Mean girl which her name is Jaquelle "Back off, stop being mean to Alyssa! What has she done to you that makes you want to hurt her feelings, seriously what's wrong with you?".

Jaquelle saw my crush which his name is Jake so she told him "Come here Jake, I heard Alyssa has a crush on you" and I literally told Jaquelle "No I don't like him, ok Jaquelle what gives you the right to tell Jake that I like him when clearly I don't, why are you so mean all the time?".

Then Jake sat down by me which I was shocked because he never sat by me before until now and Jaquelle got mad and started yelling at Jake "How dare you sit by Alyssa, you should be sitting by me not her."

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