Welcome to The Brookhaven Asylum

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My sister Lola ran down the stairs to stop them, but the other police officer stop her. She told them "Stop my sister is not a bad girl, she was saving me our daddy was bad very bad to us she only did what she had to do."

Then the police officer grab her and she tried to fight them so she can get to me but she wasn't strong enough. The police officer open the door and took me to the officer car and open the door and I walk in it.

Then the police officer shut the door then walk around to driver seat door then got in it. I asked the officer "What gonna happen to Lola, is she gonna be safe".

Then the officer tell me "We are gonna call Child Protection Services (CPS) and they are gonna watch over her and then she gonna be put in an Orphanage."

Then the police officer start his car and he drove away from the house and I leaned my head on the window and I fell asleep.

Eight hours later I wake up and the police officer is pulling into the parking lot of this big building. Then the police officer stop his car, and started talking on the walkie talkie but I couldn't quite make out what the police officer was saying, he was mumbling stuff.

Then the police officer got out of the car and walked around his car to my door and open the door then I walked out then he guide me to the front door and I freak out when I see the sign on the window (Brookhaven Asylum).

I turn to look at the officer and I told the officer "Why are you taking me here, I am not insane and I am not an murderer please don't bring me here please".

My whole body is now pale and have goosebumps and I am shaking. I don't want to be in an asylum, I kept begging the officer to not bring me in this place but he is refusing to listen to me.

The officer grab my shoulder and led me into the building, and we stop at the front desk. The officer let go of me for a second so he can check me in with the nurse.

Then after police officer check me in with the nurse, the nurse and the police officer led me past the front desk into a big room with 7 bunk beds.

And then the police officer uncuff me and I started crying and I told the officer "No, no please you can't leave me here I swear I am not crazy or an murderer."

Then the police officer step out of the room and took off. The nurse started to slap me and tell me "Look at you girl you had to do something bad to be put in here.

And I told her "I protected my sister Lola because our stepdad mentally and physically abused me and her and tried to rape her so I did what was the best thing to protect her and I love her."

And she said "Well maybe everything you said doesn't exist, you probably don't have a sister at all either maybe you are crazy like the rest of us."

And I look at her with an confused look on face and an angry expression on my face too and I tell her "Excuse me, I am not crazy, I do have a sister and what do you mean you guys are crazy".

And she look at me with an evil look and she said "You will find out soon, just wait we will get our revenge, people think just the patients here are crazy but trust me us nurses are crazy too".

Oh my God, she can't be serious she got to be messing with me, oh no she is serious I got to get out of here soon, she is absolutely sin by the devil.

I hope that maybe I am hearing things, maybe I am losing my mind, maybe everything that happened to me was an illusion.

Maybe I had an normal stable family, and a mom who didn't passed away from Cancer and an stepdad who didn't abused me and possibly an sister but maybe not an younger sister but an older sister.

And possibly I didn't go to to an Catholic school either and I didn't have an best friend like Angelica or an super hot popular boyfriend name Jake.

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