Jensen's Party

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Then I finally fell asleep which felt like hours of sleepy but then Jake shook my shoulder but that didn't wake me until he whispered in my hear "Alyssa wakes up, we arrive now sweetie please wakes up".

so I opened my eyes and yawn and stretch my arms out and then Jake got out of the car and walked to my side and opened my door so I stepped out and Jake shut the door and slide his hand into my hand and he guide me into his friends house which was full of people.

Some of the people were smoking weed from a pipe and vaping and me and Jake walked into a cloud of the vapor which I believe smell like Cotton Candy.

Then the rest of Jake's friends were drinking Beers and Vodkas and Rums and Brandi alcoholic drinks And their we're some people doing drugs like Cannabis and Cocaine.

And also their we're girls on top of boys leg and their skirt was lifted up and they were making out with the boys which this is what people do after school is messed around with each other.

We all go to Catholic school so they really don't believe in God at all, anyway I sat down on the couch because I really don't know what I am really doing here but there no way I am doing what everybody else doing.

Jake asked me "Are you thirsty" and I told him "yes I am, I would like some Sprite if your friend have any" and he said "I will go see if there is Sprite ok".

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