About Alyssa Marie Yordy (Her backgrounds life) Continued 2

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The girls went into the hotel and Alessa stop and told Alyssa "Alyssa I want you to walk over to the reception area to the room cubby and look at the room number *111* and do you see a paper in it, if you do grab the paper and look at it".

Alyssa look at the numbers on the cubby and she come across *111* and she see a paper so she grab it and look at the paper and and the paper holds a drawing of a girl being tortured by demons.

Which Alyssa drop the picture and fell to the ground and started sobbing. Then Alessa slowly walk over to Alyssa and she sat down on her knees to comfort Alyssa and Alyssa look up at Alessa and she told her "That you isn't it Alessa, your the girl in the picture".

Alessa look at Alyssa and she told Alyssa "Yes that me Alyssa in the picture, I drew my biggest nightmare."

Then Alyssa started crying again and Alessa hug Alyssa and told her "I know that what people did to me hurt you and I understand that, I was in pain too. Alyssa I need to tell you something ok and don't be scared ok actually maybe I shouldn't tell you."

Then Alessa was about to stand up but Alyssa stop her and she told her "Wait Alessa I want to know and I promise I won't be scared, I am never scared of you so please tell me".

Then Alessa sat back down and she told Alyssa "Ok, Alyssa I was born with vast mental powers, including telekinesis and premonition and astral projection which enable me to kill someone with my thoughts by projecting my desire for them to die into their body."

And for a minute Alyssa was shaking and Alessa notice that so she stand up and slowly backing away thinking that Alyssa doesn't want to have anything to do with her and that Alyssa would call her an witch too but Alessa was shock that, that wasn't the case at all.

Then Alyssa stand up, Alyssa know what Alessa is thinking and Alyssa made a promise that she would always be Alessa friend till the day she die.

Alyssa walk up to Alessa which Alessa is back up against the wall, she walk up to her and grab her hand and told her "Alessa I know that you were expecting me to be like everybody else but I won't be horrible to you, I will never call you a witch. And everybody that call you a witch were mistaken just like your Aunt Christabella was too."

Then Alessa said "Alyssa you really are a great friend I wish you were my friend a long time ago but you weren't born yet."

Alyssa wishes that too so she can save Alessa before she was burn, she wish she kidnap Alessa and took her out of town to an safe place where she wasn't tortured anymore.

Then Alessa tell Alyssa "We shall go, I need to show you the rest of my past ok Alyssa".

Then Alessa led Alyssa up the stairs and they past many rooms, then Alessa stop at an picture on the wall that show an women being burn, and Alyssa ask her "Alessa what are you doing, why are you stopping we have to look for room *111*".

Then Alessa turn to look at Alyssa and she lift her arm up to point her finger at the picture on her left and she told Alyssa "Alyssa take your pencil out of your pocket of your white shirt and stab the picture that I am pointing out please."

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