the moon, my moon

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Sometimes the sun sets and the moon in all its glory, glowing white and radiating a pure aura of love rises just to keep me company.

I know he has the stars to keep him company but the stars are not the moon
The stars are not mass, the moon is

 he goes on and on and on without a beginning or an end.

The moon is sure; he doesn't flicker he glows with passion.
He isn't like the stars that burn; he isn't a ball of gas that burns away
he is a rock; firm, a foundation.

Even celestial bodies get tired, just as the sun has to set
the moon,
My moon has to face the music , to go through his own seasons.

My moon is always there for everyone
It is a light in the dark,
A wishing well in the desert
But sometimes it gets lonely
Sometimes it needs to break  away,
To restore himself to his full glory:

 doing it publicly to show the man that its okay to go through stages

My moon is  brave before everyone
It is the courage in weakness
A whisper in the darkness
But sometimes it gets weary.
Sometimes it needs to turn around
Sometimes it needs to be vulnerable.

My moon is better than the stars, it is honest with himself.
He is honest with the sky
He shows his time of joy
He shows his growth
He shows his sorrow,
He shows that its okay not to be complete,

Its okay to be gone for awhile and come back strong
Its important to never lose your shine
The smallest piece of the moon has the greatest smile!

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