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Black is my amour
It is the colour that protects me
It protects me from prying eyes
It protects me from being read and understood
It keeps me a mystery and mystery is good

I would Rather be frowned upon and ignored instead of luring people in and being tossed aside
I would rather be lonely and burn from dawn break than to be with someone and burn from the inside because of the chasm of separation

Black is my armour, My shield
It is my painting full of mystery
I may seem weak for using a colour to protect me but I just need to hide for a little while, I just need to be a lone observer for a little while and I just need to be in my broken dark shell for a little while

I promise I will come out,
I promise I will use another colour to mark God's canvas
I promise I will accept help to heal
I promise I will pray again and read the book of life again but until then my tears will be my prayer, my body my temple and my silence will be my cry for help

I hope God understands
I hope he knows how much my stage of hibernation means to me.
Jesus only used 3 days but I might need more
I hope he waits for me and I hope that I won't be too late to run into his arms


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