Chapter 13: Nightmares and Dark Thoughts

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"So this demon you mentioned, must be some hate between you for how quickly your mood changed."

The group was climbing the pillar into the sky. The platform where they laid Chipah to rest on was getting farther below them. The pillar looked smooth from a distance, but now that they stood on it they saw the scratches on it that gave it a rough texture. Unwise was speaking to pass the time.

"Hate?" Cole looked to the sky.

"I guess you could say there's been hate. Spilled blood over cruel actions and coarse words. Graz'zt is known as the six-fingered prince. He's an archdevil turned demon lord. A bastard with a tongue of such precious silver it might as well be gold."

"The way you talk about him makes me think you're a jilted lover."

To this, Cole laughed.

"I suppose I got carried away. Graz'zt considers me his rival. You see, I 'stole' his lover away and he's never forgiven me."

"Iggwiliv," Shade informed Unwise.

"Oh! You mean Natasha the Dark?"

"Natasha. She hates when I call her that. Usually." Cole said quietly. "I suppose you would be only familiar with her Feywild name" Cole continued as he dashed the stray memory aside.

"The Feywild rumor mill did spit out that the daughter of Baba Yaga had entranced a new plaything." Unwise was looking at Cole in a new light.

"Do you just speak with no filter?" Shade felt the need to defend Cole's honor.

"She's fine" Cole was quick to shift the conversation as tactfully as he could.

"What about you dream thief, is romance your game?"

"No. Never has, and probably never will. Never understood the point. Understand it less now that I hear some people are willing to cuck demons for it."

"You have a way with words Unwise. I'll miss you when this is done."

"I, uh, take it the scarecrow doesn't get randy either?"

"I don't really know. Have an answer Shade?"

Shade had to pause and think about that, but after reflecting on any opportunity he had had to fall in love the answer was obvious.

"I don't think it's in my nature."

"It's not in a lot of people's natures. Little strange about that." Cole shrugged with a smile.

They summited the pillar. Though they were above the clouds, they found a new expanse of land before them complete with its own weather system and distant mountains. They stepped off the pillar onto a cobble path that snaked through an expansive vegetable garden. Cole admired the size of the pumpkins while Unwise approached the garden's resident scarecrow.

"Cousin of yours?" she asked Shade.

Shade did not answer. He walked to the edge of the garden, where an old shed stood. It was on fire, but the fire burned silent. The shed had a single window where a charred skeleton was framed. It seemed to have spent its last moments trying to break free from the inferno. Cole and Unwise soon joined Shade to view the unsettling scene.

They left the garden without comment. Further walking in this new land led them to similar scenes. There was a dwarf being torn apart by a pair of manticores. Shade scared off the beasts, only for the dwarf's body to decay rapidly before their eyes. The first spot they attempted to make camp on trembled beneath their feet. Cole scooped a handful of the dirt to find that it was thick with bulbous worms. Unwise refused to stay in that spot. Their second location was markedly better, save for a rock stained with blood that wouldn't rub off. The group decided it was likely the most "peaceful" location they'd find and continued with the preparations for a long rest. As they ate their evening meal Shade noted a large hawk in the distance. It was carrying a small body in its claws. Shade assumed it was a halfling, but Unwise had the more morbid guess of a human child.

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