Experience Dating The Aries

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Dating an Aries is more like dating your BEST FRIEND. You wouldn't think the relationship could have stopped there. No no- it can escalate to twin flame or to SOUL MATES if you guys aren't already mates for life. It's not magical I would say but it is something to experience because aries and gemini combo is so fantastic, there should always be passion(fire) in the air..right? 

Well, my second Aries I've ever dated that I could recall was a guy name Gabe. He was a cute stubborn chubby kid the same age as me(15). Born in the Chinese Dragon year as me and we fell for each other instantly after a month or two. I couldn't remember who asked who out first but we agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I learned about his hot temper and I've always been a chill gf of his. Eh...what I noticed was...(TAKE NOTE LOVES!!) guys who tend to never had a partner would be over-protective and overly jealous. I had my fair times of jealousy but it wasn't as much as his. There was times where I wanted to leave him but I stayed for him because I cared. He was wanting to experience new 'things', my loves but I wanted to be patient for the outcome of the future. We didn't last long than like 3 months or so? because his friend who use to be MY friend accused me of cheating with a close bud. We came back together again after that I think and left out the relationship again to become as friends. He had to make an excuse to his friends about us saying "She cheated on me" which was odd so his friends hated me. I didn't really careeeee because I never really had any interest with his friends and I went off with my life. 

All about Geminis and thoughts from a Gemini||BLOGWOrlDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon