A Gemini Experience#WaterSigns

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Hello and I ish back. I've been away from my Wattpad home ;-; and it's all because of  my parents. Cancer dad and Scorpio mom. You see, being the only Gemini in the family might make use stronger on our own but it's very lonely. Lonliness is something I hate but I got use to it thanks to my Aquarius Moon* 

My parents are water signs so they are control freaks. And it's a terrible combo when they are also extremists and are toxic to their child. I am not the only child though and not easily swayed anymore by their tactics. I do not trust them anymore and therefore I also don't trust water signs through experience. Not just by family members but also ex friends, ex lovers(I had too many. Be lucky to have just about 3 exes. I had more than 20) and so on. I have little respect personally but I admire some celebs and a few in my trusty circle whom I love. Now, I will divide my chatter with the pros and cons from my experience of water signs and what i learned from them. 

Pro: They taught me who to trust. Before, I was always a naive bean who only thought of anyone being nice as I was. Sadly that isn't the case in this world and so I learned from a Scorpio who I use to have a crush by and we were just friends. He had a tiny circle of friends whom he trust. I use to be in that circle until this Libra guy pressed me to date him out of the blue, I lost the scorpio crush and we became distant. (I use to - still sorta - get pressured to date people for their sake and not mine. Which is very depressing.) Even though I feel he was childish for not being my friend anymore because I dated someone else, he taught me to grow the fuck up and be cautious of who to trust regardless. 

Con: They are too attached emotionally. When I  think of emotions, I think of water. I cannot imagine earth signs(from what I've experienced) being wishy-washy of their emotions. They can be modest or stubborn of their feelings but they aren't so attached. They know when to stop or even if they are delusional to stay in their feels, it won't break them down as much. Air signs can be free birds( I am a fucking free bird). Fire signs might not give a fuck or very in tune of their emotions that can match up to have a bad attachment b ut not as bad....You see, I had a Cancer boyfriend once. He was a vegan, hispanic guy. Adorable and bubbly. But he was too attached to me. I even ghost because I was too afraid of how s**ually he can be and he drained me due to his life at home. It was sad but it was more like I was a counselor than a girlfriend. I was more of a filter for his unpure (tap)water than an equal lover. Just know I am an empath, and so I understand how I attract these things.. but I couldn't do anything other than talk. He and I were long distanced overseas. So it was draining. Another example is my own parents. Whenever I wish to move out, they stop me. Want to keep me under the roof with no friends, no where to go, no nothing. They are isolated and wish not to befriend the neighbors at least. They are huge extremists and emotionally attached to the whole family even when they know some members in the family are as toxic as them. They drained me for years and I am so ready to move out as soon as I can. You may notice I haven't talked about Pisces- haha no worries. Im getting to that. I had pisces friends and exes who were all innocent to me at first, then BOOM, changed instantly to being fucking ruthless BS. I had a Pisces gf who was christian(I am not christian, I am a witch). and so she would try to convert me and I would laugh and say no to her wishes. She try to always think love is the answer in life which can be true but even when she was with me, she still had her mind of the same ex that fucking harmed her as well as me(that'll be another story) and wish to talk to him. She be emotionally attached to everyone. Even toxic exes, me, and her terrible parents that she still loves. the reason why i loved her was because we both have the same experiences sorta aligned to each other. But I let her go due to how she was too attached to me and I hate strings. I do not believe all pisces are all innocent. Maybe that's their first impression but there's always a bad side for everyone. 

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