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HEY YOU!!! I was thinking about horoscopes. Just to see if it's true or not. Well for me it's true- someeeeeetimesssss but there are so many individual fortunes and blah. I'll place them here. 

A/N- sorry if I don't talk as much as a gemini should! But it's because I be in a rush to do multiple things at the same time... DON'T WORRY THOUGH!!

"For better or worse, someone has captured your attention, totally and completely. You can't remember the last time you felt this way. And there's a good reason for that: You probably haven't ever felt this way. At least, not since becoming an adult. It's called passion, and this wave of it is here for at least the day. What you do with it is up to you, of course, but you can cross arguing off the list right away."-astrology.com (I would think this is the fake one)

"Today you may take a look around your home and see what needs improvement, Gemini. A pending visit from a friend or relative may provide the incentive to get things in shape. A fresh coat of paint and some new window treatments and rugs will make a big difference. If you don't have time for that, fill the house with flowering plants as an effective camouflage."-horoscope.com (This one works with astrology.com also!)

"Monday 01/23/2017

You wish to reach for new heights, conquer new mountains and face new challenges. As much as you might be ready to rush through your obstacles, you still need some careful planning and dealing with the past to truly be able to move on to the future you desire.

The Sun in your ninth house seems to be there to light your way, help you find focus and the direction you wish to take. It is not every day that you know what you want out of life, so embrace its teachings and follow its lead." -astrology-zodiac-signs.com

"January 23, 2017

The day's energies combine wonderfully fruitful creativity with determination and dedication, dear Gemini, so take advantage! Practical activities can be satisfying. Even so, the powers of imagination and creative envisioning are excellent now. As you relax and get comfortable, your imagination engages. A patient approach to the day fares the best today. You're attracted to mysteries, and you may very well solve a puzzling problem without genuinely trying - it's more of a moment of epiphany instead of the result of hard thinking. Self-expression is comfortable and open. You may stumble upon or uncover something that has been missing, lost, or hidden.

Creativity: Excellent ~ Love: Excellent ~ Business: Excellent" - cafeastrology.com

"Jan. 23, 2017

Gemini Horoscope It was over seven weeks ago that Mercury returned for what should have been a 15 day visit to your financial sector. Always returning around the same time as the Sun, Mercury brings the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game, work on your financial game plan and resolutions. The Sun has long since moved on, but as Mercury moves into his final two weeks there is finally a sense of urgency." -astrolis.com

"You possess exceptional organizational abilities, which come to the fore at this time. Dear Gemini, you ought to thank the presence of Moon in Scorpio for bringing out the best in you. Today you are full of positive, creative energy and can easily find solutions to problems in ways other people never thought were possible. After all, that deep thinking and thorough prioritizing has done good, say astroYogi astrologers. You deserve a pat on the back. Your luckiest hour of the day lies between 2 pm to 3 pm so plan things accordingly. Purple is your lucky color for the day." -astroyogi.com (seems pretty accurate to me-)

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