A Gemini Experience#WaterSigns2

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Con: They can be control freaks. Look at your boss, your own over-protective relative, or even an overwhelming child who likes to take in control of things like you have no good sense of your own. I think my boss is a water sign oh fucking lawd but I'm glad she has a good days. My parents are the most controlling people in my fucking life. Like I would write down the long list of restrictions at home but that'll be off topic and too religious context for this page. They can control your clothes, food, room, etc. It is understandable that it is their house but I would wish for some privacy ya know? But let me tell you this. Take this damn advice geminis okai? IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE WITH A CONTROL FREAK OF ANY KIND, NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU CARE FOR THEM, YOU BETTER RUN. It will bring havoc to your life and mess up with your psychologically. I've been isolated, trapped, and abused because of my own parents whom I use to love and it hurts. If anyone has problems regardless of the sign of a person who is controlling, you can always ask for help and speak to a person whom you trust. 

Pro: They can give good criticism.  Now, I like to be open minded and allow any insult or criticism come my way. This is maybe why I admire my boss/manager for how she train me at work. Water signs are extremely smart. Maybe smarter than us Air signs but when they criticise you, rethink it in your mind and play back their words. You should have the talent of communication, Geminis. Just because it's criticism doesn't make them all offensive if you just change the attitude of what they are talking about. let me give an example. My boss told me how I should speak UP at work. I got discouraged and a bit upset for how she said it BUT I considered her words and did so because I need to for the job. It also made me less anxious at work and now I can easily talk to customers like any other close friend of mine. Oh yeah..another thing I'd say is how insults don't bother me anymore. (I learned even if anyone calls me a b*tch or sl*t, I welcome it because LOL, is that what I am?(I am lol) and if I am not any of those insults, why feel bad about it when I know for a fact they are wrong? )

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