*Rant?* Let me get this out the way.

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"TWO FACED". Ok this is for the ones that call Geminis this... lol. Not saying that all of you say that ALL of Geminis are known for that 'name'. But somehow I take that as a stupid insult when it's not really that offensive. Because ANYone can be called that and ANYone can be two faced. It's not just for the "typical" Gemini stereotype of thing which I hate. If any Gemini is looking at this(I guess I'm the only one seeing this atm xD), take that as a compliment but don't make it seem like it's a joke. Two faces means two brains. At least we think more than others. At least we are ONE of the most smart signs. At least we(should) admit that and go on with our lives. It's not our fault that we change moods and personalities. Maybe that's why many of us had some problems when we was young for being "Crazy" kindergartners as such(I never went to 5k...). We were born that way. And if you can't handle or keep up with our racing minds, stop where you are and move on and never talk to a Gemini lol. Not all Geminis are "evil".  We have TWO minds. We have TWO sides. Good AND evil. And if a Libra is reading this(let me bring a Libra in the picture), they are the "balanced" ones right? Geminis have two things that are weighing down on them alot which are their twin sides, good and evil. Without either one then it's an unbalanced scale. FROM THAT BEING SAID, no one should say that we are all demonic creatures that should be burned along with disgraceful "gemini" Trump.... because we all have that side where there is some evil. Don't deny it >w> And another thing I dislike is when someone gets to being rude and nasty for someone to say to that person, "Aw... your true colors came out..." so are you saying that we are the evil you think we are? Shame on you! Hypocrites. 

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