Feburary 12 vs Feburary 14

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Hiyaaaa and happy V Day! 

I was off due to being busy as always but here I am... On feb 12, I was looking through my birth chart and noticed my North Node. I didn't know anything about it til I looked it up. It's North Node in Cancer -- 4th House. I personally don't really like Cancers as much so this caused me to laugh. More and more when Iooked into sources about North Node and South Node, it can tell about your past life(either from previous lives before this one or you look at a past life as your childhood). My childhood wasn't always steady... and I do believe in past lives(dont judge me there lol) and so the south node in capricorn for me was accurate. I am the oldest, i take up in responsiblities, I put the blame on myself, I don't see the point in love anymore, I don't want to express my feelings to anyone, I like to be over others and not have people over me. And it sadden me that day that it hit me hard to the core. about my life and how I tried so hard to be who I wanted to be but karma hurts. It brings you down. 

Reading about the south node more... means you can't stay there too long or your life will always repeat itself over and over and will never end til you ascend. I never knew I would act like a capricorn. Instead, I have to be like a Cancer. No no- I'm still a gemini by my major sign but your Node signs are very imporant. If you keep clinging to the past, how can you change your future? To let go of some things will evolve you to something new. I get that but at that day, it brought me down. All my hopes and dreams that I tried to push through kept resulting to failure over and over. For now, I'll work on my North Node and see what's it like. To be more emotional to others, to relate, allow others play the role of being the hero for once, be dependable for others, etc etc. it'll be hard but it'll be okay... Haha for some reason I wanted to hate astrology and not believe in such accuracy.. But that's not right. many don't believe in astrology because it's not accurate for them and think it's bullshit. For me, I know the truth but try to push it away. 

So yea.. I'm still a lil sad about my birth natal chart... I'll link you some if you like and again, Happy Valentine's!


I'll show y'all mine, laters <3 

All about Geminis and thoughts from a Gemini||BLOGWOrlDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora