Chapter Seventeenth: Riddle Me This

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As we passed several maids and butlers, all of which bowed at my presence and avoided eye-contact, I frowned.

"What seems to bother you, Your Highness?"

I shook my head, "Nothing... This just feels weird."

"Well don't make it obvious that you're uncomfortable, remember what I said before."

I nodded my head. Wherever I was, the building was beautiful. It was nothing but giant, clear windows that stretched farther than the ivory walls, and marble floors that made it seem like I was walking on a fragile vase.

"How big is this place?"

Aleister glanced at my astounded expression, "It is like most palaces in your world."

"But you called this place a Citadel?"

"Only because the palace is also equipped with the Kingdoms most powerful warriors and weapons."

I whistled, "Fancy."

As we neared two huge double doors, Aleister led me inside a lavish room with a 20ft long glass table with lovely knitted sashes and golden table protectors.

The smell of blueberry pancakes sent my stomach growling. I marveled at the amount of food the sole butler had prepared.

"Would you like coffee or tea?"

"Coffee. Won't you eat with me?"

The vampire stifled a laugh, "I feast on the blood of humans, Your Highness," he said as he poured me the steamy brew into my mug, "Besides, I wake and eat before the Royals do."

"I see... Are there more humans here...?", I whispered.

"Don't be ridiculous! They wouldn't survive this atmosphere. They're used to having theirs polluted with greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide, whereas we have very clean air... That and it's pulsating with magical energy we use to manipulate for spells..."

As I munched on the pancakes, I covered my mouth before speaking, "So how do you drink human blood?"

Aleister clasped his hands behind his back as I ate, "We have monsters stationed in the human world who handle issues like that. Some are valued CEOs that sponsor blood drives and have the donations secretly imported to Cadyri."

"...I thought monsters had a time limit when they appeared in my Realm? Siva almost died from lasting only two weeks."

"He, like ninety-nine percent of our citizens, has not received training to visit the Human Realm. The fool wouldn't listen to Jinx when he offered to send the monsters stationed there already to fetch you. Although, it is his duty as the heir's 'right-hand man' to have had him/her brought to Cadyri."

I nodded my head, "Is that why there are stories of monsters in my world? Like Medusa, the Werewolf, and Vampires?"

Aleister smiled, "Yes, you name some of our most respected monsters. At times, we need the resources in the Human Realm, but we avoid social contact, and I'm sure you know why."

Stifling a laugh, Aleister and I look at each other knowingly.

"Have you finished eating?" He reached for my plate, which I left clean.

"Yes...", I stared off into the distance. Aleister noticed my blank stare and raised a hand to the doors.

"Shall we go? Or do you have more questions, Your Highness?"

I hesitated, "Well... I understand why I have to be Queen...but what about the war?"

I bit my lip as Aleister's eyes gazed at me. His grey stare made me feel uneasy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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