Chapter Thirteen: Things That Go Bump In The Night

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"These demons are nothing like the ones you defeated. Ma'lik and Zen were only Scouters meant to gather information."

I rested my hand on the fox's shoulder, staring down at the trees below us. He held me tight in his arms as he jumped and soared through the sky toward the town.

"That's right... I didn't do anything, those weird shadow people rescued me..."

"Yes, you are referring to the Vicumbras. They are the conquered souls of the enemies of Valhalla. Legend has it that the great ruler had destroyed more than a million demonic warriors in his lifetime..."

"And I'm supposed to succeed him..?", I smiled sheepishly.

"No, you are succeeding the 7th King of Cadyri... Besides, Valhalla had lived longer than any of Cadyri's monarchs. He set a record of 400 years, that bastard."

I glanced up at the fox, noticing the smirk that tugged at his cheeks.

"Back to what you said about the Vicumbras being conquered... I'm aware that they'll obey me, but how can I summon them?"

"In most cases, you won't need to. Imagine each of the Vicumbra warriors chained at the heel, and that very same chain connected to your heart. You just give the word."

I nodded my head, "...No offense, but why do I need you for then?"

Rolling his eyes, the fox sighed, "They're soldiers meant for battle, not babysitting... Unfortunately, that's where I come in..."

Snorting, I turned to the lights of the town that illuminated the night sky. For a moment, everything seemed normal, but a sudden wave flickered around the town.

"A...Are you seeing this..?"

"The strange ripple in time and space that's needed for the demons to secure a cloaking spell? Yes, I'm aware."

Strengthening my grip on his shoulder, I furrowed my eyebrows, "What does that mean?!"

Looking sideways, the fox sighed, "It means it has begun. The townspeople will be pillaged and plundered before shredded to pieces by very hungry—and might I add, tired—monsters."

Taking the hint, I clench my teeth, "Maybe if you'd go a little faster, we could end this sooner!!"

With a huff, the fox's emerald eyes glowed brighter. The magic he radiated grew stronger as he jumped from the treetops, sending us flying past the cloak in no time.

My lips downturned as the hellish sight revealed itself to me. Several demons howled with what sounded like triumph as they ensnared innocents. Children cried in the streets and scurried away from the monsters as they tried to reach their parents.

The demons appeared to have been using magic for they blocked off the roads that ran outside the town with shields of energy. Many of the townspeople helplessly banged on the shields, crying out in agony as the demons tore apart their homes. 

The men began firing at the demons with their guns, raining a hail of bullets onto the hellish soldiers although no damaged seemed to have been made.

"They're all going to die at this rate...WE..!"

"I KNOW!!!"

As if reading my thoughts, the fox plunged toward the ground and unsheathed his claws. Stumbling to regain my footing, I watched in amazement as a blue fire roared to life at the fox's hands.

The demons suddenly set their sights on us marched in our direction, leaving their prey. I took deep breaths in an attempt to calm my racing heartbeat.

"Young Mistress, it should be a great honor for your opponent to be able to incite fear into you... But let's try to keep them from know that, alright?"

Raising an eyebrow, I frowned, "I feel like this is going to be a thing between us..."

Sighing, I blocked out the cries of the townspeople. A cold sweat ran down my spine as I tapped into a deep corner of my mind... Where I had pushed Valhalla, the slumbering beast, from my thoughts, until now.

As Siva cut down the demons in his path, shielding me from harm, I relieved the tension in my muscles. The mental dam that I had built around Valhalla came crashing down. Like a mighty wave, all that magical energy clashed against me.

My eyes shot open asmy veins pulsated violently.

Within moments, my feet raised off the ground and I levitated in mid-air. I waved my arms uncontrollably as I tried to regain my balance. Purple beams shot from my hands and, although hit multiple unsuspecting demons, destroyed the buildings around me. Shit.

"Behind you!", the fox shouted as he jumped into the air and swung his claws at the demons who tried pouncing on me from the sky.

I slammed my eyes shut as a bolt of fear hit me. My hands flew up instinctively. The impact never came.

Confused, I looked up to see if Siva had protected me from the blow. To my shock, I found a transparent shield of purple light in between me and the demon who attacked me.

Smirking, I brought my arms back and swung the shield at the demon. I managed a hit to the neck. Fortunately, the blow was strong enough to shove the demon's body backward into a building.

I panted as my heart hammered inside my chest. "I did it..."

"Those are going to come in handy for hand-to-hand combat!", the fox laughed as he sunk his claws into the heads of the demons before shooting out a burst of blue fire, burning them alive.

I panted as I watched the remaining demons flee the town, opening a portal in the sky. Clenching my jaw, I raised my hand and felt the magic surge violently as it itched to be unleashed.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see the fox standing beside me. His brows were knit together as his lips formed a tight line.

"That's enough. Look around, Young Mistress."

Narrowing my eyes, I turned around and gasped as I watched the townspeople begin to crowd around us.

"This is why I hate humans... Yeesh, this is bringing back god awful memories...", the fox scowled as the people reloaded their guns with new magazines.

"Although, I'm beginning to miss the pitchforks..."

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