Chapter Four: The Dread of Night

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The walk through the forest was tranquil. No sounds of bustling cars or people to be heard.

I ran my hands through my wet hair and grinned, breathing in the crisp forest air.

"I miss this place...", memories of when I was a kid when I'd wander into the forest with Reed and Laila played in my head.

Back then I could forget about everyone else, it would just be the three of us, but now...

The night Reed had pulled me away from Laila and a crowd admiring the fireworks in the sky, he held my hand in his and whispered in my ear, "I love you."

My mind had done cartwheels that night and I couldn't look Reed in the eye. I hadn't felt the same and knew my feelings would never change.

And shortly after, Ian had appeared at my doorstep and comforted me. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders when he told me I didn't have to fake my "I love you too."

So I didn't.

I never threw myself at Ian or used his shoulder to cry on, but I had thanked him for worrying about me. His kindness still sets my heart a flutter...

In the corner of my eye, a blur of ivory ran past me. The fox from before had begun following me.

His green eyes peered down at me from where he was perched, waving his tail absentmindedly.

"...Damn fox..."

The city lights appeared ahead and my heart pounded when I spotted policemen, firefighters, and the ambulance driving toward me.

"Over here!!!", I waved my hands in the air, reverting my gaze from the bright flashes of light from the vehicles.

A policemen came out of his car, bearing his gun in hand, and jogging toward me.

"State your name and business here, Miss."

"It's Elizabeth Stone, my friends and I were hanging out in the mines earlier."

"Your friends reported you trapped under there."

"There was another exit."

The policemen put his gun away and nodded his head toward his car, "Glad you're okay, but there will be consequences."

"...I understand", I slipped in the backseat and gazed down solemnly.

"Chin up, kid. Your parents will be happy to see you alive."


I froze. Flashbacks of what happened at the mines raced in my head.


Thoughts of hundreds of beady eyes staring at me from behind, cold, dead hands reaching out for me, nearly drowning, and the earthquakes.

The entire time I was surrounded by DEATH. How was I still... Alive?

The officer drove me home. Both of us never said a word. I only gazed out the window and tried to suppress my trembling hands.

"We're here. Make sure you don't forget anything."

I stepped out and gazed up at my house. All but one light was on. My siblings must have gone to sleep.

That means...

My mom opened the door, her eyes bloodshot from crying. I clung to her and held back my tears, too stubborn to accept that I almost died.

"You stupid girl..! How could you be stupid as!", she squeezed my hair as she held me and began sobbing.

I said nothing and only tightened my grip as if to check she was truly there.

I couldn't tell reality apart from my imagination anymore, at least that's what I told myself.

My dad appeared next, in his bathrobe like my mom had, but only sighed in relief. The policeman, who had remained outside, called out to him and they discussed briefly.

A cold breeze enveloped me and brought back memories of the damp earth of the mines. I shivered and ran up to my room, blocking out the sounds of my mom's worried voice.

"Why am I still scared..?", my knees finally gave out and I slumped to the floor. I leaned my head back on my door and started crying.

I muffled my voice with my sleeve, feeling my chest tighten. Images of the veins on my hands glowing purple sent my breaths to hitch.

My silent cries faded as my head became heavy, my eyes strained and it became hard to blink.

Soon, I drifted asleep, although reluctantly.

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