Marionettes & Blood

Start from the beginning

Daniel felt nauseous, sick, like he was going to vomit.
It wasn't that he was disgusted by the blood, but there was something so horribly crude about the image before him.
He couldn't even wrap his mind around it. It was strange.

The weird creature kept moving the different marionettes, making them kill each other, as if it was the greatest game ever.
The blood began to reach Daniel at some point, slowly flowing toward the place where he was standing. Menacingly coming closer, to drown him it it's red completeness. To create a pool of blood around him.

There was something so horribly wrong with what was happening, Daniel knew that. Still he couldn't look away, too morbidly curious about what was going to happen next.
How could something that messed up be so hypnotizing?

When the creature was left with one last marionette to destroy, the blood already went up to Daniel's ankles.
'Why can't I move?' Was the thought he tried to focus on, but the real question he was asking himself scared him even more.
'What is going to happen next?' Was the thing his clouded mind most longed to know.
'What is going to happen next? What is going to happen next?
What is going to happen next?
What is going to happen next?
What is going to- WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!'
It was like a battle he fought with only himself.

Meanwhile the creature restlessly tried to kill the last marionette, but no matter how much it stabbed the small thing, it would always get up again.
Every. Single. Time.
Like an invincible warrior, it continued moving, almost like it was alive.
It was strange because the creature was still controlling it.
The creature was starting to get inpatient, judging from it's erratic movements and behaviour.
In a moment of fury, it threw the marionette against the wall.
It hit with a loud, dull noise, before hitting the ground similarly.

For a moment it stopped moving. Laying there like it was dead, when it wasn't even alive to begin with.
Then it got up again, slowly but surely, without any strings to control it attached to it.
It slowly approached the creature, blood still oozing from the multiple wounds inflicted. It seemed more threatening than the creature ever could have.

Daniel shivered. How could he want to see this? This was insane...

Then suddenly he heard the noise again.
The noise of someone slowly rocking back and forth on a creaking chair.
With all the commotion he had nearly forgotten about it.
It wasn't in front of him though, it was once again right behind him.

He turned around without hesitation. Maybe because it couldn't get worse. Maybe because he had gone nuts.
He didn't even care at that point.

What he saw took his breath away.
The person sitting on the chair was similar to the other humanoid thing, except for it's face.
It face was a weird, contorted spiral, that seemed to be in constant movement.
The twisted spiral of flesh constantly showed glimpses of different faces, some familiar, others not.
But Daniel could never make out which face belonged to who, they changed too quickly, too suddenly for him to comprehend.
He felt the steady stare of the creature burn on him, with the hatred of a thousand enemies eyes.
It didn't have a facial expressions, or a voice, but it still seemed as though it was trying to tell him that it was aware of him, watching him.

The he was pulled out of his dream, by a cold hand on his front.

He jumped up in fear, panting as he still felt cold sweat run down his body. He shivered at the sensation.
The memories of the twisted dream remained imprinted in his head, like burns.
He suddenly felt all the terror that he couldn't feel in that dream, crash down on him with incredible force.
He felt himself react to everything that had happened right in that moment, while Hosuh looked down on him with a worried expression.

"Daniel, are you ok?" The healer said softly, snapping Daniel out of his daze.

Daniel stared at him blankly, not sure how to answer. There was so much he wanted to say.
He was about to nod his head, when he changed his mind deciding to shake it instead.
"No." He managed to choke out, before his eyes started to water.

Hosuh's expression grew even more worried at he looked at his upset friend sadly. "Did you have a nightmare or something? Is there any way I could help?" He asked softly being the sweet person he was, before hugging his friend.

Daniel hugged Hosuh back quietly, not able to respond yet, still catching his breath and sobbing slightly. He was embarrassed, but then again he'd known Hosuh for so long, he knew the other wouldn't judge him. He was his friend after all.

Hosuh didn't know what to think. Sure he'd seen Daniel cry before, because of sadness or anger, but never had he seen his friend cry because of only fear. Something was definitely wrong. He couldn't even imagine what might have happened.
He didn't question Daniel yet, waiting for him to calm down a bit.

Meanwhile Stephen still sat on his place, protecting the camp from any possible threats.
He had been the one to notice Daniel's nightmare, because of him constantly trashing about and mumbling nonsense. When he realised that Daniel had started to shiver he immediately had woken up Hosuh, to let him handle it.
Sure, he had a better relationship with Daniel by now, but he still wasn't particularly good at handling emotional people, so he wasn't going to do that.
Now that Daniel had woken up though, Stephen got curious.
'What could have possibly scared him that much?' He wondered.

Author's comment:
Well, I hope you liked it, even if it was a bit messed up.
This is actually the part where I didn't have to invent much, since I had a very similar dream a couple months ago.

What do you think of Daniel's reaction? I don't know if the crying is too out of character, but I kind of went with personal experience. I always cry after I have a nightmare, so I think that's the most natural reaction?
Idk I just feel like anyone would cry after dreaming something like that, but tell me if you want me to tone it down.
I depend on your feedback a lot.

Alright so I hope you're not too disturbed and that you'll have s nice day/night regardless, girlfriends, boyfriends and none binary lovers!

Ps. Here's a fanart of Pau to lighten the mood, yay!

I kinda like it, but there's still something that's wrong with it

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I kinda like it, but there's still something that's wrong with it. Can you help?
The thing I'm most proud of it that the hands actually look like hands, that's a first lol. Hands are so difficult to draw 😑

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