Mr Emotion

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Foreword: Voila! Sorry about any mistakes, let me know if you spot any!

Disclaimer: Honestly, we've gotten this far - you should have read one of these in the past chapters to understand I don't own them. Wish I did, but I don't. Wait, not own own, just wanting to call Niall mine ;) haha.

Dedication: To Summer. I have many chapters to her, but this one, is to make her happy!


'I guess I don't need to ask where you went, huh.' I ignored Liam, wiping at my face with the back of my wrist and hiccuping. The elevator music jingled above us and my stomach rolled unpleasantly like it always did when I got in one of these metal contraptions. 'You know, Danielle tells me I'm quite good at listening if you ever -'

'Not to be rude,' I sniffed, using my other hand to run under my still wet eyes, 'but Liam, you're not helping.'

He gave me a bashful nod, clasping his hands in front of him and sending us into silence. I could feel him stiffen beside me, thankfully staying away, when I put my chin to my chest and broke into my quietest sobs.

The doors pinged open, Liam stepping out and holding a hand to stop the doors from closing on me. I gave him a pat on the arm before making my way to our shared room. I wasn't looking forward to entering in a room full of boys who were more than likely going to question my puffy eyes, but I didn't exactly hide myself either.

Liam took a deep breath, obviously expecting the same reaction as I did when he swung the door open. He motioned for me to move first. I stiffly walked my legs forward from the doorway to the bathroom, attempting to avoid all eye contact and the sudden striking silence in the kitchen.

As I stepped through the doorway, Liam wasn't exactly quiet in explaining his confusion when Harry asked.

I gently closed the door behind me in attempt to block out the boys, my shirt already over my head as I walked toward the glass shower. Two steps from the shower I wriggled from my shorts and stumbled into the shower.

I felt on auto-pilot, turning the nozzles to get the perfect temperature. My mind spun.

What was worse, I couldn't wrap my head around the fact I'd been dumped. My last boyfriend had been in first year of University, not even making it to a full eight months before he broke it off. I wasn't sure if it had been so long that I couldn't remember how I'd reacted back then, but now I questioned if I really had even liked him as much as Jack. Why was it I was feeling so torn? I hadn't even known Jack that long.

Turning off the shower, I rested my forehead against the tiled wall, tired. I took a deep breath, forcing myself into a pep-talk.

'It's fine, you're fine, Leah,' I gritted my teeth, 'Get out of the shower. Go grab a towel, get on your pajamas and crawl into bed. Bring the phone with you and call mum. It's not the end of the world. You'll be fine.'

I pushed opened the glass door, reaching a hand to grab the nearest towel and bring it into the glass compartment. The steam from my shower still clogged in the capsule and keeping my bare body warm while I toweled off.

The only thought clanging in my head, as if bouncing off walls, was the ever present need to call my mum. I stared at myself in the foggy mirror. My dark hair hanging in waves across my shoulders and dipping into and around my secure towel. My eyes caught my own, finding that I hated that the hazel colour appeared to be dull. Wincing, I turned from the room, swinging open the door and heading straight for my bed.

I caught the end of commotion in the kitchen as I passed by. With one hand on my towel, I padded my bare feet on the carpet.

'I thought you said she would take longer in the shower!' Harry accused while Liam protested. My Skype friend let out an aggravated groan and set off a clatter of pots and pans. 'I can't go see her Li, 'cause some idiot just - LOUIS!'

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