Library Phone Calls

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Disclaimer: Don't own One Direction. I do own Leah, and my little characters, as well as the plot line - even if its teenytiny.

Foreword: Just something that's been stuck on my mind lately. I'm not assuming this will get lots of hits, but if it does - I might as well continue it. So leave a message after you're done, thanks. Also, I don't pretend to know everything about One Direction or the music industry or even Europe's education so just, please, chill when you think of messaging me about everything I've done inaccurately. Oh, and despite little mistakes, just keep an open imagination, and I promise this story won't be unrealistic.

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Loud laughter rang through the device held under my chin. I was absolutely the wrong place for someone to be that happy. Noises in University libraries were not taken lightly, hell, cell phones weren't allowed yet I'd been talking to one of my friends for almost five minutes now.

"So when do I get to see you next, Leah?" As his boyish, bubbling giggles began to slowly calm down, I exhaled slowly, drawing out my reply.

"Depends on if you're planning on being a superstar for the rest of your life," I shrugged. Harry's chuckles started up again and I tried flipping through my textbook, "and also if I'm ever going to survive through exams."

He snorted, "You'll be perfect. Always are."

"I could do better, but you're always distracting me." Forever quick with a reply, I shook my head and whispered, "Whenever finals come around you're always gallivanting around with your friends in some exotic country. Probably with a girl draped over either arm -"

"You sound jealous Ley," I could practically hear Harry smirking on the other end of the connection, "Should I schedule a party for when I get back to get a first view that you play for the other team now?"

I scoffed, pushing my books from my writing station. "Definitely not, Styles. I'm just wondering if I need to have a chat with Gemma and Anne about finally giving you that talk about the birds and the bees."

"I know about the birds!" He shouted, leaving me in stitches when in the background it sounded like Liam asking him what exactly he knew.

"If the boys are around, tell them I say hello, yeah? I should be going." I put my head in my hand, "History won't learn itself."

"Oh c'mon Leah," Harry whined. I applauded him for ignoring Lou, who was becoming steadily louder through the phone. "I only get to talk to you for barely ten minutes a month, stay longer."

"Styles, I'm not paying scary amounts of money for Uni just to talk to my pop-star friend." I rolled my eyes.

"I'll pay if you flunk, I'll even tell your mum how come." I laughed a little too loudly, forgetting I was in a library. Sinking into my seat, I listened to him excuse himself and scuffle with what sounded like an Irish voice.

Hearing him holler at the Niall, almost like he screamed into the receiver, I snapped. "Harry, for the love of god, just help Niall make a meal and Skype me tonight. I'll be home in three hours. Let me study!" Pulling the phone from my ear, I hit the end call button and rubbed my hot ear. That boy would be the death of me. I scribbled back in my notebook, dates of important history that I wasn't going to remember as my mind swam.

Sometimes it would become too much, being a friend of Harry Styles. One Direction was more than a huge commitment. The Styles family and every other family member to the boys knew that, including me. He would be gone almost all year and when he did finally come home, I'd hardly spend any time with him. I'd always rather his family steal him away while they could and more than half the time I would feel horrible about not going to see him but it was also more for my piece of mind than anything. Distancing myself from him gave me leniency to stay friends, yet far enough to stay out of the spotlight.

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