Dani's talent

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Disclaimer: Yadda yada, not mine. Leah is, blah blah. On with it!

Foreword: I've never been to a signing before, so I'm not sure how those things run..

Dedication: I haven't forgotten the help you gave me, thanks so much!

'I always wondered how you got in here -' I crossed my arms, smirking. Harry froze, his shoulders hunched only to grin at me from his sneaking into my hotel room. I held out my hand, making him give over my spare room key. A standard two were issued to each room, and last night when I left Lou and Harry I remember only leaving with one and not the two I had earlier.

'Ready for a day of work?' Harry waved me off, even if I was the one doing the interrogating.

I closed an eye, 'Am I back on wardrobe duty?' Styles shook his head.

'Background coordinator.' I tossed my camera and wallet in my side bag, my phone still deep in my luggage rendered completely useless, wrapping it over my shoulder and heading to the door.

Tugging on the door one last time, I walked in time with him. 'What's on the agenda today?'

'Signing until later this afternoon. We're planning on catching dinner on the way back and going swimming at night.' I nodded, Harry knocking on a door and both of us waiting.

'Does this mean I'm heavy lifting tables and chairs for you to sit your big arse on?' I thought aloud suddenly, Harry laughed.

'What'd I miss?' Zayn stepped out of his shared room, Niall behind him with a piece of toast hanging out his mouth both hands and eyes on his blackberry.

Harry grinned, 'Nothing, Leah's just on her way to work.' Zayn waved, following Niall toward Louis' room. I shook my head, making my way toward the end of the hallway and the elevator where John was texting.

'Don't get into too much trouble today,' I called over my shoulder, waiting. From beside me John snorted, coughing to cover his laughter.

'We've got Danielle,' Harry said, leaning on the door jam to his room, 'we're not about to do anything crazy with her around.' I nodded, stepping into the metal contraption. 'See you at eleven!'

The metal doors closed, I rolled my eyes. 'I have no idea how you deal with them daily.' John chuckled.


'Alright Leah, one last curtain to set up and you can go for lunch.' Breathing a sigh of relief, I moved a chair away from my walk way to get to the last curtain. An older woman smiled at me, stepping off the ladder to let me crawl up.

I'd already been setting up One Direction's stage for the past three hours, sweating through more than half of it. It was not attractive, and my foul mood had me thinking they were saving the air conditioning for when the boys got here. John had brought me to the mall, dropping me off rather quickly before he scuttled backstage to help out with the rest of security and I'd found out quickly that making friends around here wasn't really a priority, so I'd spent most of my time lugging heavy objects around.

 'How do you do -' Harry was bowing at the bottom of the ladder. I smiled, fixing the draping of the curtain and crawling down. 'Had an exciting morning?'

I shrugged, 'Nothing too exciting.' He reached down to hug me. I felt him stiffen, and push me away.

'You smell.'


He chuckled reaching for me again, 'Well, I guess you just smell like you've sprouted flowers, but what -'

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