Help me

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Disclaimer: Nope.

Dedication: For Letstrythis, she's incredibly sweet and so much fun to talk to :)

Foreword: Hope you all enjoy this, and I hope you don't hate the end of this chapter as much as I do :P


Jenny still hadn't shut up and we'd already spent two and a half hours at the mall. I thought her fan-girling days were bad when I tried to make her study in second year and made her miss the latest "twit-cam" (by the way, who the hell even calls videos online a "twit"?), but now that she had seen the boys that close she was a goner.

I begged rubbing my temples for her to stop talking and when a couple moved to get off the underground train at the next stop, I caved in on the seats before anyone else could. Jenny seemed to be floating on cloud nine when she sat next to me. I frowned when she continued jabbering.

'I wonder what they were doing here -' Groaning, my head fell into my palms as I attempted to restrain from strangling her.

'Jen, honestly, you've been talking non-stop about them for the past 3 hours!' Looking up at her, I felt close to tears. Not only was my head hurting from her voice, but from the continuous circles I spinning in just thinking of why One Direction were near my home. I honestly just wanted to go home and forget about the five international-superstars, but that was damn near impossible when Jenny was by my side and my brain kept replaying the shocked look on Niall's face through the train window.

 'What're your plans for the rest of the afternoon then?'

I blinked at my best friend, clearing my throat, 'Erm, I was going to go sleep. I don't think I feel too well.' That was an understatement, my head was pounding.

'Oh okay,' she shrugged while giving me worried glances, I tucked my chin into my chest and crossed my arms, getting comfortable in my seat for the rest of the ride. 'I have to work tonight. You're welcome to sleep over if you want? I have lots of breakfast foods!'

Chuckling at her attempt to lure me, I shook my head. I loved Jenny's apartment, but lately I'd skipped out on our sleepovers and had been more home bound. She shrugged, letting it go and making me relieved. I thanked every lucky star I had that I had a friend like Jenny. She was intuitive enough to know that mum and I weren't the most well off by the looks of our usually barren cupboards and tiny living space, and she never bothered to bring it up. I'm not sure if she was uncomfortable about it, but I do know her never speaking of my financial made me very happy.

'I'll message you later okay?' Jenny stood up three stops later, making me break from my thoughts. I nodded frantically only to hold my head in pain. She chuckled and patted my shoulder before shuffling away to strategically escape the crowded tube.

Immediately after I watched her disappear through the now closing doors, a man in a business suit sat down next to me. He seemed pleasant enough, and I would have smiled back, if I didn't feel like his aftershave hit me like a tidal wave. Burrowing myself into my jacket, I tried to hold back a wince as I counted down the number of stops until mine.


Immediately stepping into my home, I held the wall while attempting to pull off my first boot and murmured to myself that I could really use a tea.

There was a sound of acknowledgement. 'Just made a pot.'

At the sound of a deep accent that most definitely was not my mother, I slipped on the floor and landed swiftly on my bum. Sitting on the floor I gaped up at Liam, seeing as he was standing and scratching the back of his head. I sputtered and asked how he got in.

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