Art in the park

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Walking from the kitchen with a spatula and a plate overflowing with pancakes, I set them down farthest from Niall before stretching my arms over my head. Usually when the school year was over, I'd get to sleep in and slack off but obviously that wasn't the case this year. I seemed to get authentic wake-up calls every morning now. However, instead of Harry waking me up this morning, I got a bouncing Louis. I thought I'd tricked him to fall back asleep, but Zayn had come in after, whining for me to make breakfast because Liam 'went on strike'.

"W'at's the 'genda 'oday?" Niall speared a pancake, swallowing it whole. My eyes bugged, not moving from his lips. How the hell did he fit one of my specialty, extremely wide and homemade pancakes in his mouth in only one swallow? It must have gone against at least one law of science. "Wah?"

"How do you even do that?" I was more than astounded. He bared his teeth, grinning.

"We've got a radio interview at four," Zayn interrupted, looking at his watch, "Paul said if we leave the hotel we need to be back by one, any later and he's going to strap security on us." Each of the boys nodded, Liam narrowing his eyes at Harry suspiciously when he and Louis whispered to one another.

"What are you planning?" I joined in with Liam.

They didn't help their case, chorusing together a far from innocent, "Nothing."

Liam raised an eyebrow, "And I'm in love with spoons."

"Excuse me?" I coughed, covering my mouth. "Is there some story behind that?" Liam shrugged, turning back to Curly and Lou.

"What do you have up your sleeves?" He scowled, not looking intimidating at all.

The older brunette grinned, "Besides my muscled arms?" I shook my head.

"Harry, what are you two doing today, that could possibly be a very bad idea?" He smiled, his teeth hidden. Gemma always told me that was sign number two that he was planning something.

"Nothing," sticking out his tongue at me, he chuckled, "mum."

I gaped, "I am not anyone's mum!"

"Thank god for that -" I rounded on Niall with a glare as he sniggered.

Last night we'd stayed up until late, playing games on the telly. That is after Niall removed his face from my neck and taught me how to play. I wasn't that great, and I'm pretty sure Harry let me win once, but it was a fun night in.

I still wasn't totally sure what was going on with Niall though. When Harry would stare him down for being close to me, I shoved off Styles with no real thought. Although when I was lying in bed later, I couldn't help wondering why Harry would be so bossy. There was no way Niall even thought of me that way, the few times I talked to him on the phone when I was speaking to Harry (or on Skype) we always acted friendly around each other, and there was never any awkward moments. Didn't that prove he had no reason to be worried with us near?

He stuttered under my glare, "Jus' 'ause Haz's always going on abou' - well, he," Niall sighed, turning back to his food. I smirked, turning to Styles.


"Nothing!" He looked shocked, "God, it's not even bad! We're going to go for a tour this morning around the city!"

Louis smacked Harry, the youngest flinching as he let out a startled, wide-eyed, "What?"

Louis rolled his eyes, "We were going to make them worried Harry, you ruined it."

"It's like she's got powers or somthing I swear man!" Harry eyed me, turning back to his friend in stripes.

"That or she's got your mom on speed-dial." Zayn put his bowl in the sink, smirking when Harry frowned, deep in thought.

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