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A New Home
Chapter One

The day was cold and grey, a typical London day. And the perfect day for a funeral, I thought bitterly to myself. Why did life have to be so unfair. I looked over to Xavier. Xavier's face was emotionless and empty, he always hid his feelings never showed any emotions, not since the day father left, I shook my head, don't think of him Elena its not good especially after almost 8 years, I told myself.

I looked down at Jasper who was clinging to me as if his life depended on it. He looked so young and innocent, it wasn't fair on him, never knowing his parents and now this. I sighed and looked back at the pastor.

"Dust to Dust, Ashes to Ashes. May you rest in peace." the Pastor said. The service was finally over.

People were coming up to us, hugging and giving their condolences to us. Our Grandmother had been a likeable women and had many friends. I sighed again, I seemed to have that a lot lately. Finally the last couple of people left and I was alone with my brothers.

"Well I am glad that is finally over." Xavier said. I nodded, too tired to actually response.

"What's going to happen to us now? Are we going to be separated?" Jasper asked worriedly.

"No if course not Jasper don't say that everything will be fine" Xavier said softly and picked him up and put him on his shoulders and we walked out of the cemetery. The only time Xavier ever shows any emotion or feelings was with Jasper or me, but even that was rare. We were both messed up.

A man was standing by a dark car, looking straight at us, almost has if he was waiting for us.

"Xav, is he staring at us?" I whispered to Xavier.

"I don't know, it looks like it." He replied not taking his eyes if him. The man was now walking toward us.

"Are you Xavier, Elena and Jasper Venator?" He asked as he reached us.

"Yes and who are you?" Xavier replied cautiously.

"I'm your uncle, John Venator, your mothers brother."

"I thought you had exiled mum and wanted nothing to do with her." I said narrowing my eyes at him. She had told us that after she and my father had fallen in love and fled to England to begin their life, her family had exiled and disinherited her. While our grandmother had been more lenient towards her only daughter and moved to England to be with her after dad left.

"Well we weren't exactly on speaking terms in the last few years, but I mean you no harm." he admitted.

"How do we know we can trust you? You and your family didn't even show up to your own mother's funeral, you weren't there for her in her last months!" Xavier angrily said.

"You don't I guess, but I am the only family you have left and you and your sister aren't of age yet and you'd be put in an orphanage and you would most likely be separated." He said, 'But if that's what you want...?" he added looking at us questioningly. Ignoring Xavier's accusations.

"No you're right we don't want that." Xavier said quickly, though we were only ten months of turning 18 he didn't want to risk us being split up. John smiled knowingly.

"I thought so, let's go we have a long trip ahead of us."


He was right it was a long trip. The flight from London to New Orleans took almost 12 hours and then another 3 hours in the car. I thought we would never arrive, but finally we did.

"Are we there yet?" Jasper asked sleepily, for the millionth time.

"Indeed we are. Welcome to Woodendale!" John answered cheerfully. How he remained this cheerful after that long trip was a mystery to me. I for one was dead tired, and I could see that Xavier and Jasper were as well. We had never left England before.

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