Chapter 25 Hostage

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Shay left the hideout and went wondering around in the middle of the woods by himself sitting down on a log to practice his powers, normally people would go in the woods with their friends but no Shay when he is stressed he needs to be alone. Shay heard a rustle

"Hello who is there?" asked Shay

No answer suddenly Mystique came jumping out from behind a bush as Shay turns around just in time to catch her metal claws

"Mystique" said Shay "I can take you"

"You can take me but you can't take us" said Mystique

More bad guys came out from the shadows as Shay tries to fight them all at once when the Goblin whacked him around the head knocking him out, Magneto picked Shay up and carried back to their base and locked him up in the chamber

"Well done" said Amara "we can trade him for Aiden"

"Yes Mistress" slithered Venom

"Get me a camera" ordered Amara

Magneto handed Amara a camera as she held it out in front. Meanwhile, the heroes are all to busy to realise that their monitor is beeping all except Aiden who ran into the room and pressed the button

"Guy's Amara is on the screen" shouted Aiden

Everyone ran into the room to see Amara on the screen

"Hello, heroes I have one of your little friends Shay I would love to swap Shay for Aiden" said Amara "Bye"

The video ended

"They have Shay" said Chanell

"We come up with a plan" said Sam

"They have your son" yelled Chanell "we don't have time for a plan"

"Look Shay is our family" explained Dean "we can't just barge in there and save him"

"I don't care" snarled Chanell "she can't kill me"

"Think" said Sam

"I have Aiden" said Chanell

"He is not handing himself over" shouted Hayley

"He will" said Chanell

"We need him" said Thor

"I don't" Chanell answered

They all left as Aiden sat down on the counter thinking back to time where his parents died in that car accident

"Get in the car" yelled Angeline

"Now" shouted Eric

"I'm sorry Ma and da" said Aiden

Eric started to the drive when a lorry came out of nowhere as Eric swerved out of the way but crashed into a lamppost when the car flipped upside with Aiden, Eric and Angeline in

"Aiden" screamed Angeline "AIDEN"

"Ma" shouted Aiden

Angeline freed Aiden as he crawled out from underneath the car when the Lorry driver came over with other people

"I phoned an ambulance I am so sorry" said Lorry driver

"Just help them please" begged Aiden

"I can't it is to dangerous" explained Lorry driver

The car exploded as Aiden moved back with tears spilling his eyes. Aiden started crying when Ashton, Ross and Brogan walked in

"Hey what are the tears for?" asked Brogan

"She is right I should just hand myself over" cried Aiden "no one will miss me anyway"

"Dude no way" said Ashton

"You our leader" said Ross

"You got a girlfriend bro" said Brogan

Hayley walked into the room followed by the others

"Hey babe don't cry" whispered Hayley "we figure something out we always do"

"If Amara wants to kill me she can" said Aiden "I failed you all"

Ross slapped Aiden

"Ow" said Aiden "Thanks"

"You welcome" said Ross

Chanell ran in as they connected the tablet to the big tv

"Hello heroes" said Amara "Chan I have your boyfriend here"

"It's Chanell to you" growled Chanell

"Is it a deal?" asked Amara

"Yes I bring him to you" replied Chanell

"Good I see you soon" said Amara "adios"

Amara hanged up

"Dad we can't" said Brogan

"We are not letting my boyfriend die" said Hayley

"He still hates you" said Chanell

"Shut it will you" yelled Hayley

"Enough just pack it in the pair of you" growled Aiden "I made up my mind I'm the leader and I do this, Shay is my friend"

"They will still kill Shay even if you do hand Aiden over" said Brogan

"How about I go as Aiden" said Cindy "it's better than Aide dying himself"

"No I had enough people dying around me" said Aiden

"It's better than you dying Aiden" explained Cindy

"Fine" said Aiden

"Me and Chan will go" said Brogan

"Cindy thank you for doing this" said Aiden

"No problem" replied Cindy "everyone needs a alpha"

"I will see you on the other side" said Aiden

Cindy and Aiden hugged as Brogan and Chanell took Cindy who looks like Aiden to Amara's base as they entered the building

"Well done hand him over" said Amara

"Shay first" said Chanell

Venom came out dragging a handcuffed Shay who looks pale as a ghost when Amara grabbed hold of him. Chanell spotted Venom with a knife as he went behind Shay and stabbed him, Shay dropped to the floor blood pouring from his mouth

"Shay" screamed Chanell

"I love you baby" said Shay

"I live you to" cried Chanell

"I will do anything for Aiden you got to get him out of here" Shay whispered

Shay died as Cindy came up with her own idea

"Brogue just kill me" said Cindy

"Aiden no" said Brogan

"Please" pleaded Cindy "it's better than Amara doing it"

"Fine I miss you bro" said Brogan

Brogan stabbed Cindy and then picked Chanell up and carried her out of the building. Once they left Cindy turned back into her normal self

"They fooled you" said Cindy "Aiden is way smarter than you made him out to be"

"You fooled me I am attacking now" said Amara

"Yes" shouted the others

Cindy died

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